As the prime minister threatens to block closer eurozone integration unless Britain is allowed more powers, Grant Shapps tells Channel 4 News that Britain’s relationship with the EU “needs to change”.
David Cameron outlined a strong stance on Europe on Sunday, saying he was prepared to block other countries’ attempts to make changes to the currency treaty, unless his own demands to win back greater powers were met.
The prime minister also said he planned to offer voters a “real choice” on Europe in the next election and that some things need to change – such as migrants coming to Britain and claiming benefits.
In a series of interviews ahead of the coalition’s mid-term review on Monday, Mr Cameron said he wanted to stay at Downing Street until 2020 to enable a series of reforms, and set out his priorities until the next election. The review is expected to include future policies on pensions and transport, as well as details of a cap on social care costs, which ministers have considered setting at £75,000, as well as pension and child care reforms.
Speaking to Channel 4 News, Conservative Party Chairman Grant Shapps told Channel 4 News that Mr Cameron’s position was “common sense”.
The mainstream British view now is that actually there are too many things which have gone to Europe and are decided in Europe. We need more of those powers back home. This is an opportunity, a moment to do that.”