11 Mar 2015

Islamic State child ‘executes Israeli spy’ in new video

The Islamic State group posts a video showing a child executing a man accused of joining the jihadi group in order to spy on it for Israeli security services.

Muhammad Musallam's mother after execution by Islamic State

Above: Um Ahmad, mother of Muhammad Musallam, clutches his photograph

Released by Islamic State media outlet Al Furqan, the video shows Muhammad Musallam – who is only 19 himself – wearing an orange jumpsuit and “confessing”. He is then executed.

In the 13-minute-long video Musallam describes being recruited by security services and then sent to Syria to get information such as the location of Islamic State weapons and the names of Palestinian jihadis with Israeli citizenship.

They took him as a victim, only to show the world, so the world would be afraid of them. Said Musallam

“They (Islamic State) detained me and interrogated me,” Musallam says. “During the interrogations I confessed that I was a spy.”

Musallam says his father and brother encouraged him to work for Israeli security services, but on Wednesday Musallam’s father, Said Musallam, denied his son was a spy.

Mr Musallam said his son had gone missing while on a tourist trip to Turkey, and had been trying to return homwe when he was captured by the Islamic State group.

“Muhammad was told by them to say about himself that he works for the Israelis,” Said Musallam said.

“They took him as a victim, only to show the world, so the world would be afraid of them.”

Clutching her son’s photograph, Um Ahmad told reporters: “A spy of 19? How is that possible? Why would he have gone there if he were a spy?”

An Israeli security official had said Musallam went to Syria to fight for Islamic State in October last year.

Child executes Israeli in new Islamic State video

Above: a still from the Islamic State video

Following the “confession”, the video then cuts to Musallam on his knees in front of a French speaking Islamic State fighter and a “cub of the caliphate”.

After the French-speaking fighter warns that the Islamic State “battalions” will “liberate Jerusalem”.

The boy, described as a “cub of the caliphate” then shoots Musallam in the head, before shooting him three more times.

Read more: Guns and toys - the children of the Islamic State

The video ends with Islamic State purportedly revealing the names of “Mossad agents” linked to Musallam.

Earlier this year another Islamic State video purported to show a boy of around 12 executing a Russian spy.

The United Nations says children as young as 12 are being trained by the Islamic State group, and used to carry out suicide bombings and executions – though there have been reports of children as young as five at training facilities.

Israeli security officials have said they are aware of the video but could not confirm that it was authentic.