6 Oct 2011

Russian tycoon Berezovsky accused in court of lying

During cross-examination by lawyers for Roman Abramovich, exiled oligarch Boris Berezovsky is accused in a London court of changing his testimony to suit his argument.

Russian tycoon berezovsky accused in court of lying (Reuters)

Mr Berezovsky claims he is owed over £3bn by Mr Abramovich who, he says, betrayed him over a deal to sell his shares in the oil firm Sibneft.

During his appearance at the Commercial Court in London Mr Berezovsky repeatedly dismissed as false statements made by Jonathan Sumption QC, acting for Mr Abramovitch, only to then change his mind once shown evidence that he had said something contrary in the past.

Mr Abramovich, the billionaire owner of chelsea football club, listened through headphones to a russian translation of Mr Berezovsky’s english answers, as his lawyer Mr Sumption accused Mr Berezovsky of previously lying in court documents and not truthfully declaring assets:

“You are prepared to say in a document before the English court whatever you think suits your case, whether it’s true or false.”

In a written witness statement Mr Berezovsky told the judge that Mr Abramovich was “good at appearing to be humble” adding he was “good at getting people to like him.” The 65-year-old claims that Mr Abramovich intimidated him into selling Sibneft shares at a fraction of their true worth. Mr Abramovich denies the allegations and the case continues.