23 Dec 2010

Tommy Sheridan guilty of perjury after tabloid sex claims

Tommy Sheridan has been found guilty of perjury. The former Member of the Scottish Parliament lied under oath during a defamation case against the News of the World in 2006, as Jane Deith explains.

Sheridan was awarded £200,000 in 2006 after the newspaper published claims he was an adulterer who visited swingers’ clubs. But the police launched a perjury probe following the case and Sheridan was forced to return to court.

The politician closed an emotional speech on Wednesday with a plea to the jury to find him innocent so he could spend Christmas with his young daughter.

The jury spent just under two hours deliberating before being sent out again by the judge earlier.

I make no apologies for taking on the might of Rupert Murdoch. Tommy Sheridan

Sheridan has accused former political colleagues, who claimed he admitted attending a sex club, of “spewing bile” against him as part of a political war.

Prosecutors said there was a “convincing and compelling” case against him. His wife Gail, 46, was charged alongside her husband but the charge against her was dropped by prosecutors last week.

The court heard from a succession of high-ranking members of the SSP who said Sheridan had confessed to attending a swingers’ club in Manchester on two occasions. Sheridan always maintained his innocence and claimed there was a vendetta against him.

Sheridan was released on bail until January 26 but did not speak as he left the court.

His solicitor Aamer Anwar said: “As Tommy Sheridan’s solicitor, I have a statement to make on his behalf:

“For three years my wife and I have faced charges of perjury.

Tommy Sheridan faced allegations of perjury (Reuters)

“Today, I was convicted and Gail was acquitted of any crime. I have fought the power of News International all my political life and I make no apologies for taking on the might of Rupert Murdoch.

“Several million pounds of public money was spent investigating me and my wife. Is it not time that similar resources were devoted to investigating the activities of the News of the World?

“I want to thank all of those who have shown us kindness and solidarity. There will be no further statement until sentencing on January 26.”

Poll tax, Big Brother, court battles

Tommy Sheridan was one of the most prominent faces in the fight against the poll tax in Scotland.

His political popularity grew and in 1999 he was elected as a Member of the Scottish Parliament.

He was leader of the Scottish Socialist Party but many of his colleagues sided with the News of the World in 2006.

Sheridan lost his seat in 2007 and has since stood, unsuccessfully, in other elections.

In 2009 Tommy Sheridan entered the Celebrity Big Brother house – he was reportedly paid £100,000.