Venezuela election to replace Chavez set for April – Channel 4 News
10 Mar 2013

Venezuela election to replace Chavez set for April

Venezuela’s presidency will be decided in an election to take place on 14 April, officials say, as opinion polls heavily favour Hugo Chavez’s anointed successor Nicolas Maduro.

Nicolas Maduro and Henrique Capriles are the likely opponents in Venezuela's election (pictures: Retuers)

The election follows the death of flambuoyant Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, following a two-year battle with cancer, on Tuesday.

Nicolas Maduro, a former union leader, is expected to win any election. He is Chavez’s anointed successor, and will be buoyed by the outpouring of emotion towards Chavez.

It is likely he will compete for the presidency against Henry Capriles, the centrist governor of Miranda state.

Capriles, who lost the presidential battle against Chavez in October last year, has decided to run for president and will announce his candidacy later on Sunday, two sources in his camp told Reuters

He also said on Twitter that he is “evaluating” the ruling by electoral authorities over the proposed date of the election.


The handling of Chavez’s battle with cancer, the information given to the public, and now the handling of a new election, have attracted criticism from the opposition.

Maduro was sworn is as acting president on Friday. He told Congress: “I asked (the election authority) to comply with legal and constitutional obligations and immediately call elections.”

Venezuela after Chavez: see pictures from the streets of Caracas of a nation in mourning

Venezuela’s Supreme Court has ruled he does not need to step down in order to campaign – a move criticised by opponents as a violation of the constitution and a “fraud”.

Capriles said: “To become president, the people have to elect you. No one elected Nicolas president.”

Millions have filed past Chavez’s body over the past few days to pay their respects to their beloved leader. His state funeral on Friday included an eclectic mixture of state leaders and celebrities, including Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejadand actor Sean Penn.