8 Jun 2015

Walter Scott shooting: officer charged with murder

Former North Charleston police officer Michael Slager is charged with murder after the fatal shooting of Walter Scott.

Michael Slager, 33, was arrested on 7 April when a video emerged of him shooting Scott in the back as he ran away after being pulled over for a malfunctioning brake light.

Mr Slager, who was fired from the department after the incident, claimed he shot Scott because he feared for his life following an altercation with the 50-year-old.

“The prosecution work has just begun,” said Ninth Circuit solicitor Scarlett Wilson. “Just because you have video in a case doesn’t mean it’s the be-all, end-all and the case is over.”

Mr Slager’s lawyer said the indictment was “just another step in the criminal process” and he had yet to fully evaluate the state’s case and compare it with his own investigation.

Strained relations

The shooting of Walter Scott was the latest incident to highlight the strained relations between American police and black communities.

Last year, the deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson and Eric Garner in New York sparked protests across America and in the UK. Last month, the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore led to riots in the city.The mayor of Baltimore imposed a week-long curfew and the governor of Maryland called in the national guard.

Michael Slager is being held in protective custody at the Charleston County detention centre.