
  • 29 Mar 2018

    Former Prime Minister Tony Blair, who supports calls for a second referendum on the Brexit deal, said he doesn’t think the Labour Party would vote for the kind of Brexit deal the Tory government will end up with. We ask what he was going to do about those standing in his way: Tory back benchers, public opinion and…

  • 29 Mar 2018

    Transport Secretary Chris Grayling who was a leading supporter of the Vote Leave campaign, discusses the allegations made by a whistle blower that Vote Leave may have cheated during the EU referendum campaign. And on those points raised in that interview – Vote Leave say their conduct was entirely legal and proper – and that…

  • 29 Mar 2018

    With a year to go until Brexit happens, Theresa May has spent the day on a tour of all four nations of the UK. She said she was listening to people’s hopes for the country after we leave the EU. Former Prime Minister Tony Blair said he hoped that day would never come – and…

  • 29 Mar 2018

    Neither Mark Zuckerberg nor anyone from Facebook has appeared on Channel 4 News since our revelations about 50 million profiles being harvested.

  • 28 Mar 2018

    Facebook said it took steps to ensure harvested campaign data had been “destroyed”. But Channel 4 News has now discovered that data on thousands of people in Colorado is still circulating – and Channel 4 News has been to speak to those whose privacy was breached.

  • 5 Mar 2018

    Disturbing new allegations about Mohamed Al Fayed and how he abused his power against women who worked for him. Three more women claim they were all sexually assaulted by the Egyptian magnate. One woman tells the programme she was targeted when she was just 15-years-old.

  • 4 Mar 2018

    Councils across England will be stripped of their powers over planning decisions if they fail to build enough houses, the Government has warned. Theresa May – who will set out more details of the review tomorrow – said if local authorities didn’t have a plan for their area, the Government would intervene. Our business editor…

  • 3 Mar 2018

    The chaos brought by the snow and stormy conditions is still causing widespread disruption as transport services and other businesses struggle to recover. All the disruption is costing the British economy an estimated £900 million a day. Siobhan Kennedy reports.

  • 27 Feb 2018

    The US media giant Comcast, which owns NBC and Universal Pictures, has launched a £22 billion bid for Sky, which could frustrate Rupert Murdoch’s efforts to take over the company. He’s already been the subject of concerns from the competition regulator about the amount of influence he would have over Britain’s media. Comcast says the only…

  • 26 Feb 2018

    So what does Labour’s conversion to a post-Brexit customs union mean for the UK’s businesses? I’ve been speaking to the boss of one of Britain’s biggest paper, packaging and recycling firms worth £5bn, which runs factories here and on the continent.  

  • 22 Feb 2018

    The owner of British gas will cut 4,000 jobs following weak performances last year – placing some of the blame on the government’s plans for an energy price cap. British Gas lost 1.4 million accounts in 2017. Iain Conn, the Chief Excutive of Centrica earns £4.1 million a year – so will he be taking…

  • 13 Feb 2018

    The squeeze on the cost of living continues, as inflation sticks at 3 per cent for January, the same as it was in December.

  • 13 Feb 2018

    Britain’s big four accountancy firms have been accused of “feasting on the carcass” of the collapsed construction firm Carillion. MPs say that the firms collected tens of millions in fees from the company over the course of a decade. Now the accounting watchdog has told this programme it’s time to require auditors to sign off…

  • 12 Feb 2018

    The multinational giant Unilever has threatened to pull advertising from online platforms like Google and Facebook – saying the digital realm has become a “swamp” filled with fake news, racism, sexism and extremism. Chief marketing officer Keith Weed told a conference in California today that objectionable material and the lack of protection for children was…

  • 9 Feb 2018

    US stock markets are continuing to fall, ending a week which has seen the biggest global sell-off of shares for six years. And there have been losses across Europe’s stock exchanges too, including London, where the FTSE index of leading shares closed half a per cent lower. So when will the volatility calm down?