
  • 2 Nov 2017

    Today’s interest rate rise: small but significant

    It would have been more of a surprise today had the Bank of England NOT raised interest rates. Having made it clear on several recent occasions that rising inflation meant a rate hike was imminent, Mark Carney would have earned his moniker as the “unreliable boyfriend” had nothing actually happened. But something very important did…

  • 2 Nov 2017

    Financial analyst Louise Cooper and Rupert Harrison, an economist at investment management firm BlackRock who previously worked as chief of staff to George Osborne when he was the Chancellor, discuss the interest rate rise.  

  • 2 Nov 2017

    Bank of England Governor Mark Carney talks about the decision to raise interest rates, prospects for the economy and Brexit.

  • 2 Nov 2017

    “This is good news,” said the Governor of the Bank England about the decision to raise interest rates for the first time in a decade. From 0.25 to 0.5  percent. Doubled but still to no more than a whisker. So what will that mean for the millions of us with mortgages and credit card debt?

  • 2 Nov 2017

    Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable discusses the Westminster harassment saga and the interest rate rise.  

  • 1 Nov 2017

    Interest rates have now been on hold for the longest period in living memory, but all that could end tomorrow when the Bank of England is expected to put up base rates for the first time in a decade. The increase is likely to be fractional, but the psychological shift could be far more profound.…

  • 25 Oct 2017

    The Chancellor has said he’s confident that the main details of a transitional deal to help businesses adapt to Brexit could be in place by December. Philip Hammond was speaking as the latest growth figures for the UK showed a modest improvement, climbing 0.4 per cent in the last quarter. But he also acknowledged the…

  • 19 Oct 2017

    Joining us from Brussels is the Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan to debate the issue of EU citizens in the UK.

  • 19 Oct 2017

    We spoke to Pascal Lamy earlier and began by saying that the EU’s Chief negotiator Michel Barnier is surely just that – a negotiator?

  • 19 Oct 2017

    Theresa May tried to thaw relations with EU leaders was to write an open message on social media today to EU citizens in the UK, all 3.2 million of them.  

  • 19 Oct 2017

    Europe’s leaders put on a show of friendship and support for Theresa May at the European summit in Brussels this afternoon. But underneath the bonhomie, the tough message remains the same – cough up.

  • 18 Oct 2017

    Tomorrow Theresa May sets off for her second trip in a week to Brussels, where she will address EU leaders on Brexit. In the Commons today she insisted the option of walking away without a deal must remain on the table. But her visit comes as her government’s EU withdrawal bill, which transfers EU legislation…

  • 10 Oct 2017

    Almost 2,000 jobs are to be cut at the UK’s biggest defence contractor BAE Systems, in what’s being described by unions as a “bitter blow” for manufacturing. The company, which is facing a lack of orders for its Typhoon jet, claims the restructuring will result in a “sharper, competitive edge”. Labour says the move will…

  • 2 Oct 2017

    Hundreds of thousands of people have had their travel plans thrown into chaos after the collapse of the budget airline Monarch. On top of around 110,000 customers currently overseas, three quarters of a million people with future bookings will now be left scrambling for alternative flights. And in the last few minutes, the administrators said…

  • 30 Sep 2017

    A new study claims the “millennial” generation has been the hardest hit by the rising cost of living compared to other age groups. Our business correspondent Helia Ebrahimi reports.