
  • 28 Feb 2017

    Now what price a knighthood? Ask Sir Philip Green, and he might say £363 million. That is the amount the former owner of BHS today agreed to pay into the company’s pensions scheme.

  • 24 Feb 2017

    Oops, they did it again. Another multi-billion pound loss, for the ninth year in a row. In fact, the Royal Bank of Scotland lost £7 billion last year, more than three times the amount they lost in 2015.

  • 24 Feb 2017

    RBS: Ross McEwan promises brighter future, but when?

    For every one of the past nine years, Ross McEwan or his predecessor has used a bad results day to reassure investors of good times to come. Only those good times have failed yet again to materialise.

  • 21 Feb 2017

    Jacquelyn Guderley, co-founder of Stemettes a social enterprise supporting young women into the science, technology, engineering and maths industries, and Merici Vinton, co-founder of Ada’s list, an online community that aims to connect and support women in tech.

  • 17 Feb 2017

    The treasury has announced a major new initiative for the ailing publicly-owned Royal Bank of Scotland. It has been struggling to sell off its branches south of the border – a key part of the conditions placed upon the rescue deal which stopped it going bust. The government’s now proposing a new £750m plan for RBS…

  • 17 Feb 2017

    Food prices are rising and new figures show retail sales unexpectedly dropped last month, for the first time since the end of 2013. In the midst of these economic pressures, with Brexit uncertainty still lurking in the background, the supermarket chain Morrisons has declared a new Buy British campaign, touring the country in search of…

  • 15 Feb 2017

    Workers at Tata Steel have agreed a deal which means their pensions benefits will be slashed in order to save thousands of jobs.

  • 15 Feb 2017

    If some workers are having to dig deep to save their jobs, Britain’s labour market appears to be booming, with more people in work than ever before and unemployment at its lowest level in over a decade.

  • 14 Feb 2017

    Conservative MP and Leave campaigner, Kwasi Kwarteng, and economist Vicky Pryce.

  • 14 Feb 2017

    There are new questions this evening over the future of Britain’s planned nuclear power programme after Toshiba reported multi-million pound losses, triggering the resignation of its chairman.

  • 14 Feb 2017

    Inflation has reached a two-and-a-half year high, as surging oil prices and the fall in the value of the pound after Brexit combined to push prices higher.

  • 2 Feb 2017

    The Bank of England has announced a dramatic rise in its growth forecast for the next two years while keeping interest rates on hold again. The Bank’s governor Mark Carney warned the “Brexit journey” was only just beginning, but he also had a wider message, saying politicians are becoming more important to the world economy…

  • 31 Jan 2017

    We were hoping to bring you a report tonight on the Government’s new plans to solve Britain’s housing crisis. Unfortunately, once again, the white paper has failed to materialise.

  • 31 Jan 2017

    It’s not just the President causing controversy. Today his top trade adviser accused Germany of using a “grossly undervalued” euro to gain economic advantage over the United States.

  • 27 Jan 2017

    Tesco says it will create the UK’s leading food business after buying the wholesaler Booker in a £3.7 billion deal.