
  • 27 Jan 2017

    Theresa May prepares to meet President Trump

    Getting the tone right in the press conference will be a big challenge – she wants to make a thin-skinned novice feel like she’s a good ally but doesn’t want to look like a patsy.

  • 26 Jan 2017

    Consumer spending kept UK growth higher than expected at the end of last year – so has the predicted Brexit slowdown been proved wrong, or just delayed?

  • 26 Jan 2017

    Theresa May on Trump relationship: “opposites attract”

    Mrs May was asked on the plane out about the personality gulf between the vicar’s daughter and the billionaire property developer. Could they really get on? Mrs May said: “Haven’t you ever noticed? Sometimes opposites attract.”

  • 26 Jan 2017

    RBS still paying for the financial crash

    The US Department of Justice is going after all the banks involved in mis-selling sub-prime and RBS is the last (and biggest offender) on its list. So today – in anticipation of that mega fine – RBS has set aside another £3.1 billion – bringing the total allocated for sub-prime to £6.7 billion.

  • 25 Jan 2017

    America’s financial markets are certainly on a high about Donald Trump and what his economic policies could bring.

  • 24 Jan 2017

    Around £8bn has been wiped off the value of shares in British Telecom after the company revealed an accounting scandal in its Italian division was more serious than first thought.

  • 24 Jan 2017

    Supreme Court: Brexit Bill and votes needed

    At the moment the Government is only committed to a vote right at the end of the whole process when the chances of getting the UK Government back into negotiations with a new mandate will be zero.

  • 18 Jan 2017

    While Boris Johnson says he can sketch out post-Brexit trade deals on the back of an envelope, one of the world’s most powerful trading nations, China, has just opened a new route into Britain.

  • 17 Jan 2017

    Theresa May’s Brexit speech saw a surge in the pound as the markets, which had been preparing for a hard Brexit, responded to the removal of uncertainties and the promise of a parliamentary vote.

  • 13 Jan 2017

    Forget the traditional image of the family breadwinner. One in four low-paid men now works part time, thanks to the changing nature of the British workforce.

  • 13 Jan 2017

    Two more major carmakers are being investigated over diesel emissions tests, as the Department of Transport said it was urgently seeking more details.

  • 12 Jan 2017

    Now some encouraging news for retailers at last: as new figures show there’s been a boost in Christmas sales for some of the biggest names on the high street.

  • 11 Jan 2017

    While Trump spoke the markets gyrated wildly up and down.

  • 10 Jan 2017

    The deputy editor of the Telegraph, Allister Heath, and Dawn Foster, who’s a writer with the Guardian.

  • 10 Jan 2017

    It’s been another day of industrial action affecting transport services.