20 Oct 2013

The pity of war

By chance I came across the following writing, when going through some files of work photographs recently.

We were living in the then British Army fort in Sangin where soldiers, for some years, patrolled and were sniped at in the town and fields around this base above the Helmand River.

On the wall in which we slept, without heat in the freezing Afghan winter, writing left, perhaps by soldier, perhaps by an Afghan interpreter working with the British.


It tells simply of the pain and pity of war.

Here it is in full, just as it was written, spelling and all: “13 May 2007 It’s true that children are the most suffering victims of war. It’s because of their unmature mind and poor information about the horrors of war.

“They are always depandent and need their guardain’s instructions in this matter. Last night I witnessed such victims who were wounded by unexploded device.

“One of the children was killed on the spot. Shukarya, 8 and Muhamad Hassan, 7 were brought here for first med aid and then were taken to Bastion Field Hospital for long term treatment.

“I can’t remove the image from my mind: a small inocent kid soaked in her blood like a half-slaughtered sheep. I still hear the echo of her crying; “It hurts me! Don’t touch me!” I hope they will be allright soon.”


Tweets by @alextomo