Emma Clark

  • 20 Feb 2013

    As the historic Devonshire carpet maker Axminster calls in the administrators, Channel 4 News takes a look at how much of a blow this could be for the South West’s economy.

  • 23 Jan 2013

    Hillary Clinton faces tough questions over Benghazi today. But with a new poll showing she is more popular with the public than ever, will she use this momentum for a 2016 presidential bid?

  • 22 Jan 2013

    Police are warning that a batch of contaminated ecstasy tablets could be circulating in the Wigan area, following the deaths of two young men from the same town.

  • 22 Jan 2013

    As parliament debates changes to the royal succession laws for the first time, royal historian Hugo Vickers warns the bill should not be rushed through like an “emergency operation”.