Emma Thelwell

  • 14 Jan 2013

    The Communities Secretary Eric Pickles says he’s seen an estimate for how many arrivals the government expects from Bulgaria. But where is it?

  • 18 Sep 2012

    Twenty-three years after he was condemned to death by Muslim clerics, Sir Salman Rushdie’s memoir lifts the lid on his time in hiding. Channel 4 News looks back at the controversy.

  • 12 Sep 2012

    It’s that nagging women’s issue the PM just can’t seem to get away from: female employment. Just how many women have got jobs since the election – is Mr Cameron right that the number is on the rise?

  • 8 Sep 2012

    The superhuman efforts of the Paralympic athletes prompts a positive swell in public attitudes to disabilities in the UK, according to a Channel 4 poll.

  • 7 Sep 2012

    Commodities juggernaut Glencore sweetens its offer for Xstrata after delaying the shareholder vote on the mega-merger due to “overnight developments”.

  • 7 Sep 2012

    After beating his hero and mentor Oscar Pistorius, Jonnie Peacock celebrated his Paralympic gold with a feast at McDonald’s. He tells Channel 4 News the win could “take a lifetime to sink in”.

  • 22 Aug 2012

    Undermining the British government’s position in the diplomatic stand-off over Julian Assange, the MP George Galloway implied our courts have done something “unprecedented” in order to comply with the Swedish authorities. Setting aside the diplomatic impasse which now finds Mr Assange holed up at the Equadorian embassy, is this a first for Britain? Are we really extraditing someone simply for questioning?

  • 21 Aug 2012

    What’s the difference between the government’s new “Healthcare UK” plan to export NHS experitise abroad, and Labour’s NHS Global plan? Plagued by a sense of déjà-vu, FactCheck dons its white coat.

  • 10 May 2012

    Jim Murphy has challenged the government to “come clean” about how much its aircraft carrier u-turn has cost the taxpayer – which he’d heard could be as much as £250m. “This is an embarrassing shambles,” he said, after Defence Secretary Philip Hammond went from outlining a bill of something between £40m-£50m only to admit later that it could be as much as £100m. Mr Hammond insisted however that the bill would be “much less than £250m”. Who’s right? FactCheck investigates.

  • 9 May 2012

    It was a short Queen’s Speech, and for some not a very sweet one – with the government taking a beating for making no mention of some key policies. Is it the Lib Dems’ fault as Mr Cameron claims? FactCheck looks at what was missing in the Speech and why.

  • 8 May 2012

    couple of days after the budget, with rows raging about the “granny tax” and George Osborne’s decision to help the super-rich by cutting the 50p rate, the PM had what seemed like a smart idea. Number 10 decided to bring forward plans to increase the price of cheap alcohol, to tackle binge drinking and what David Cameron called “the mayhem on our streets”. According to Mr Cameron cheap booze is causing a “scourge of violence” – a million violent crimes and more than a million hospital admissions each year. Setting a minimum unit price (MUP) would, he promised, provide “a big part of the answer”. But I’ve found out that just four days before he made his announcement, he’d been warned by one of his own ministers that the policy could well be illegal. Was the PM right to go ahead or should he have listened to his colleague?

  • 3 May 2012

    Playing down the meltdown at Heathrow’s border control earlier this week, Damian Green told MPs: “I stress to the House that our information shows that queuing times bore no resemblance to some of the wilder suggestions.” But with these “wilder suggestions” coming from the airlines and passengers themselves, it’s little wonder that British Airways’ chief executive Willie Walsh accused the minister was “misleading” the public over the extent of waiting times at passport control. Mr Walsh told Channel 4 News: “I think he was certainly misleading when he told people that the maximum queue was 90 minutes when we know it went well beyond that – and not just on one occasion.” Who’s right? FactCheck jets in.

  • 2 May 2012

    There have been tears, laughter, and the odd stray F-word. The London mayoral race has been high on emotion and more than usually bad-tempered. Boris Johnson has been slightly more careful with his facts, choosing to deal in aspirations rather than promises. Ken Livingstone has made some extravagant claims which have landed him in hot water. Here’s the verdict from FactCheck HQ on a very irritable election.

  • 27 Apr 2012

    Is UKIP’s Nigel Farage right about immigrants snapping up all the social housing? “All you have to do now if you come from Eastern Europe, all you have to do is to get a national insurance number – which you can get easily within a fortnight – and then you qualify automatically for social housing,” he said. FactCheck investigates.

  • 20 Apr 2012

    As the bitter battle for London’s City Hall rumbles on, Ken Livingstone threw in an old claim about affordable housing. But was it a good one? Team Boris didn’t think so. Pinging an email through to FactCheck, Boris’ camp labelled Mr Livingstone’s statement as a “false claim”. They added: “The London Development Database reports that there were actually 2,240 affordable starts over the same six month figures (April and September 2011)”. Who’s right? FactCheck homes in.