25 May 2011

Cameron and Obama: in step on foreign policy?

In the gardens of Lancaster House for the joint President Obama/David Cameron press conference.

William Hague on Sky today acknowledged “tactical differences” between the UK and the US on foreign policy.   So what are they?  Well they weren’t on display at this press conference. The President said that getting rid of Gaddafi would be “slow and steady” and people would have to be “patient.”   David Cameron acknowledged the considerable asserts that the US contributes to the Libyan effort.

On Afghanistan there was no fag paper between them either at this press conference.   And over the last few months there has tended to be more difference of opinon between both US and UK militaries and politicians than intra-national political disagreement.

Look over their heads in this pic, by the way, and you see something I for one had never appreciated before – Clarence House and St James’s Palace are semi’s!

Tweets by @garygibbonc4