24 Jul 2009

At the Norwich count, where a vicar wears a BNP rosette

At the count11.50AM UPDATE: We are hearing that the Libs have held on to third place and that UKIP may have pushed the Greens – who had high hopes here – into fifth. Not long to wait.

– I am in a sea of Confederate flags and caravans at the Norwich North by-election count.

There’s a country music festival happening in the next field at the showground here. What strikes you most in the count is the BNP contingent – not the tattooed bouncer look, more the angry rotarian.

There’s even a vicar with a BNP rosette but I haven’t had a chance to ask which denomination.

The result is due around noon. The Tory candidate has just arrived to cheers. Labour is obviously defeated the question is by how much? And have the minority parties benefitted from the expenses saga?

At the count…
At the count

Tweets by @garygibbonc4