19 Apr 2010

Boris on the Liberal Democrat ‘puffball’

Just caught up with Boris Johnson who says the Lib Dem vote needs to “detumesce.”

Not the message David Cameron is now focusing on. Boris insists that the Lib Dem puffball will explode sending spores everywhere and be soon forgotten.

He didn’t seem very keen on repeating his Telegraph column line that it was a Diana moment but you get the gist.

He wasn’t very keen either on the suggestion that he was pulling up his sleeves and going for Nick Clegg while the current Tory leadership was, arguably, going a little gentler on him, leaving to others (friends in the newspapers in particular) to put in the knife.

Boris Johnson on the campaign trail
Boris Johnson on the campaign trail

I caught up with Boris campaigning in Harrow on my way back from chatting to voters in the three-way marginal of Watford. There I found people pretty unworried by the idea of a hung parliament – getting the politicians to bang heads together seemed quite popular.

Tweets by @garygibbonc4