29 Apr 2010

Brown’s and Cameron’s two-pronged messages

Gordon Brown has a clear two-pronged message – PERIL and FAIRNESS.

David Cameron’s equivalent is HE’S A DESPERATE TWISTER and HE’S A FAILURE…

The rest is lists and debating points. He just said that the government gave Fred Goodwin a knighthood. Is that really going to shift votes? DC has twice just now referred to Mr Brown as “the Prime Minister” which he avoided I think (from memory) in previous debates.
Gordon Brown sticks to question shock!! The question was about banks and he talked about it. He attacked Cameron but when it came to DC’s turn straight afterwards DC chose to have a go at NC over the Euro. He came back on the attack just now about 17 minutes later. Odd.
Just back on the postal votes for a second. A senior Labour figure told me that there were signs from postal vote tallies across the country that Labour was doing surprisingly well in these early votes. Agents get to watch them come out of the envelope, face down, and they mustn’t reveal what they see, by law.

But they get very good at reading upside down and there are whispers that Labour is performing so well the party bigwigs are completely baffled. Is it that in the pencil hovering over the ballot paper moment, which is Labour’s very last hope, there is a leaning towards Labour that the polls conceal?

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