14 Jun 2012

Cameron at Leveson – speaking in generalities

David Cameron’s not been grilled so far. Not even sauteed.

He’s been making robust defences of newspaper campaigns, their right to blur news and comment, a resistance to market share limiting.

He’s been speaking very much in generalities, the sessions normally close with this sort of stuff, not start with it.

He also said he saw no evidence of “nod and a wink” relationship between proprietors and senior politicians.

He did say at one point that the answer to press problems might be “changes in the law (or) improvement of the self-regulatory system” which suggests we’re not going to hear him come down on one side or the other of that issue today.

There was a slight delay at the start as the PM’s press aide’s mobile was retrieved from another room. Better than leaving a child behind in a pub. Then David Cameron slightly stumbled over the words as he held the bible – showing an unfamiliarity with court oaths entirely appropriate for a Prime Minister, you might think.

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