21 Jul 2009

Iraq Inquiry could hear mountains of evidence

The Iraq Inquiry looks like being unveiled soon – maybe next week. Folk close to it are talking about mountains of evidence.

Word is that the inquiry may have decided against those saying “get a lawyer.” The Hutton Inquiry used a barrister, James Dingemans QC, to question witnesses in the first round of evidence sessions.

The Iraq Inquiry is not going down this route. The timetable is already being stretched by the broad remit and the amount of material under consideration… the inquiry team doesn’t want it stretched any more by filling the room with lawyers.

The inquiry team has also been beefed up. In addition to the academics on the panel there will now be military and international aid experts.

Tony Blair, who was not keen on a public evidence session, might end up being the last witness called. It means Tony Blair’s day(s) in the hot seat could come after the EU selects its President, always assuming a “yes” in the second Irish referendum and assuming the Czechs sign up.

So – lots of “ifs” here – Tony Blair could avoid the embarrassment of being grilled by the Iraq Inquiry as he campaigns for the top EU job only to suffer the embarrassment of being summoned for cross-examination while in post.

Tweets by @garygibbonc4