6 Oct 2010

More kitsch less Kitchener?

The Cameron team pondered long and hard about whether to leave the stage to the tune of “It Takes Two,” so soon after invoking the World War One recruitment cry – Your Nation Needs You.

In the end they decided to combine kitsch and Kitchener.

The Big Society message wafted round the room leaving everyone strangely unmoved. Even the Cabinet seemed to forget to clap the obvious applause lines.

At a fringe meeting last night run by the grassroots website Conservative Home, The Spectator editor Fraser Nelson asked a room of about 130 activists, including some defeated election candidates, if any of them found The Big Society theme which dominated the manifesto launch useful on the doorstep. Not one hand went up.

David Cameron shows no sign of giving up on the push for more volunteering and activism. His Party still looks slightly baffled.

Tweets by @garygibbonc4