9 Dec 2010

Students breach the Commons but the debate goes unheard

Well, the sound-proofing works pretty well. The public gallery of the Commons has for some time been behind very thick glass and so many MPs failed to notice several students who started chanting a couple of minutes ago. They were bundled out by ushers. Other students who applauded them – also a breach of rules – were told to stop and allowed to stay watching the debate. It’s a surprisingly thinly attended public gallery … Don’t know if that’s because security outside is putting people off or because numbers are being restricted inside.

As for the debate, Vince Cable had to withstand a constant barrage of Labour shouting, like walking into the wind. He was congratulated by Nick Clegg and David Cameron when he finished but the man who made his reputation on delivering some witty and sharp blows on political opponents in the chamber made none today.

Lib Dem dissidents, on the basis of the first hour of debate, are making attacks on Labour even if they end up voting with them later.

For Labour, John Denham gave no alternative but said, as a minister who resigned (over Iraq), potential Lib Dem rebels should follow his past practice, should vote no and rest assured their self-respect would get them through it and there would be “a way back” to favour and jobs.

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