24 Mar 2010

The penultimate PMQs of the parliament

Couple of points from what is penultimate PMQs of this parliament.

Last will be Wed 7 April, the day after the PM is expected to see the Queen.

Nick Clegg just called this “the most corrupt (parliament) in living memory” – I wonder if Lib Dem incumbents will put that in their literature?

Mark Pritchard asked the PM to rule out peerages for Byers, Hoon and Hewitt but the PM wouldn’t say whether they’ll get the usual courtesy peerage for ex-Cabinet Ministers and brought up Lord Ashcroft instead.

Just before PMQs the Northern Ireland secretary said the government had taken delivery today of the Bloody Sunday Inquiry report but will take quite a while to get it legally cleared. Ian Paisley gave a valedictory question, well more of a sermon really.

He called deliverance in Afghanistan. The PM spoke of the whole House wanting to pay tribute to Dr Paisley – he would “adorn the history books.”  Extraordinary when you consider what would’ve been said if Dr Paisley had stood down in 2005.

Tweets by @garygibbonc4