Helia Ebrahimi , Economics Correspondent

Helia Ebrahimi is the Economics Correspondent for Channel 4 News.

Channel 4 News' Economics Correspondent Helia Ebrahimi reports on the big changes in the economy and the public finances - and how they'll influence the world you live in.

  • 8 Dec 2017

    Our Economics Correspondent Helia Ebrahimi explains what the next phase of Brexit negotiations will involve.

  • 23 Nov 2017

    Productivity – how much we make, divided by how long it takes us to make it. Our inability to make more in less time is what lies behind the latest grim productivity forecasts. Everyone agrees something must be done, but no one seems that clear what the problem is. And there are some out there…

  • 22 Nov 2017

    Why has the economy failed to deliver for the Chancellor? And what are the implications for tax and spend?

  • 21 Nov 2017

    Our Economics Correspondent Helia Ebrahimi has gone to one of the areas of lowest productivity in the UK to examine what’s going on.

  • 16 Nov 2017

    Britain’s housing market is broken – and the Prime Minister is making it her personal mission to fix it. That was the message from Theresa May today as her Communities Secretary said the lack of affordable houses risks creating a “rootless generation”.

  • 14 Nov 2017

    There’s been an unexpected pause in inflation. Instead of going up again, it has remained steady at 3%. Although food prices have risen, that’s been offset by a fall in the cost of fuel. But prices are still outstripping wages and the economic squeeze here is in sharp contrast with continental Europe, which reported strong…

  • 31 Oct 2017

    Human rights concerns? Not part of my job. That’s according to the financial regulator who’s deciding whether to change the rules, potentially allowing oil giant Saudi Aramco to float on the London Stock Exchange. But Andrew Bailey of the Financial Conduct Authority told MPs that he had met the Saudi firm’s Finance Director earlier this year.…

  • 13 Oct 2017

    £1.5 trillion – the value of a listing from the Saudi oil company Aramco on the London Stock Exchange. Nice money if you can get your hands on it. But the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority is under fire for allegedly bending those rules to enable the listing. There are critics, but others who point out…

  • 11 Oct 2017

    A new cap will be imposed on energy bills, at least for some households. The regulator, Ofgem, today said it would introduce the limit for one million vulnerable customers.  But it won’t come in until next February and it’s still a far cry from the cap on all standard variable tariff bills, promised by the…

  • 4 Oct 2017

    Amid the mishaps of the Prime Minister’s speech, her promises to “end rip-off energy prices” and “fix our broken housing market” were rather overshadowed. But both policies faced immediate criticism in some quarters for lacking substance.

  • 1 Oct 2017

    The future of Monarch, the UK’s fifth biggest airline, is in doubt tonight – just hours before its licence to sell package holidays is due to expire. Airline chiefs are holding talks with the regulator – insisting its flights were still operating as normal. But where does this leave the tens of thousands of passengers…

  • 30 Sep 2017

    A new study claims the “millennial” generation has been the hardest hit by the rising cost of living compared to other age groups. Our business correspondent Helia Ebrahimi reports.

  • 29 Sep 2017

    The UK’s economy grew at its slowest annual pace since 2013 and house prices in London have fallen for the first time in eight years. The figures come as the governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney said he was concerned about what he called a “pocket of risk” in personal loans, consumer credit…

  • 22 Aug 2017

    It’s been two months since the Grenfell Tower fire, yet many survivors are still waiting for new homes. This week Kensington and Chelsea Council will discuss urgent measures to spend tens of millions of pounds on properties nearby. Yet the council still has a lengthy waiting list, and even though hundreds of new homes are…

  • 15 Aug 2017

    How vulnerable is Britain to trade issues, and could the UK become the “poor man” of Europe?