Helia Ebrahimi , Economics Correspondent

Helia Ebrahimi is the Economics Correspondent for Channel 4 News.

Channel 4 News' Economics Correspondent Helia Ebrahimi reports on the big changes in the economy and the public finances - and how they'll influence the world you live in.

  • 9 Aug 2017

    Brink of collapse – how the global financial crisis began

    The BNP Paribas announcement turned out to be the starting gun to the global financial crisis.

  • 3 Aug 2017

    The prospects for the UK economy are bleak as the Governor of the Bank of England warned it would stay “sluggish”. The Bank’s now lowered its growth forecast for this year and next – and voted to keep interest rates on hold again. And Mark Carney warned that business investment was weaker than expected because…

  • 25 Jul 2017

    The Grenfell fire has brought into focus the bodies running much of Britain’s social housing – tenant management organisations, or TMOs. Kensington and Chelsea TMO, which ran Grenfell Tower and was responsible for its refurbishment, is the biggest in Britain, with nearly 10,000 properties and thousands of tenants. TMOs, especially Kensington and Chelsea, have been…

  • 18 Jul 2017

    Inflation fell unexpectedly in June, thanks to lower fuel prices. It dropped to 2.6%, reducing the pressure on the Bank of England to raise interest rates in the short term. But it hasn’t quite reduced the pressure on cash-strapped consumers.  

  • 30 Jun 2017

    Ten million people across the UK live in social housing, many of them in tower blocks like Grenfell. What the fire revealed was not just the desperate state of some of that housing stock, but the state of Britain, where the price of private property is soaring, driving inequality between home owners and those who…

  • 25 Jun 2017

    How much of the deficit has Britain paid off? Can the government afford to change tack on public spending cuts?

  • 24 Jun 2017

    The Glastonbury festival chants Jeremy Corbyn’s name as the Labour leader introduces hip-hop act Run The Jewels. Just what is going in with British politics?

  • 22 Jun 2017

    Andy Haldane, chief economist of the Bank of England, caused waves on the foreign exchanges yesterday after he disagreed with the Bank’s governor by suggesting interest rates should go up.

  • 21 Jun 2017

    The pound has risen sharply on the foreign exchanges, bouncing back from yesterday’s losses, after the Bank of England’s chief economist Andy Haldane revealed he would support an interest rate rise later this year, in contrast with the Bank’s governor Mark Carney.

  • 15 Jun 2017

    The Bank of England came close to delivering a big shock today, when three members of its Monetary Policy Committee voted to raise interest rates.

  • 18 May 2017

    The business case set out in the Tory manifesto aims for a balanced budget by 2025, ten years behind the original deadline set by David Cameron.

  • 16 May 2017

    Economics Correspondent Helia Ebrahimi has been going through the figures in detail and looking at the effect of Labour’s tax plans on business.

  • 21 Apr 2017

    If there’s one thing the markets don’t like, it’s political uncertainty and risk. But that’s the story here, as well as in France and Germany. Europe’s three biggest economies are all facing hugely important elections this year.

  • 18 Apr 2017

    The Prime Minister’s shock move triggered turbulence on the markets.

  • 16 Apr 2017

    Turkey’s president is claiming victory tonight in his country’s referendum to award him sweeping new powers.