Christmas is a-coming for m'learned friend!
Is Rupert Murdoch‘s take-over bid for BSkyB going to be resolved in the end by the judges? As the Guardian details contacts between the new minister tasked with making the decision – Jeremy Hunt – and his contacts with James Murdoch after the bid was announced, is it now inevitable that the issue will end in the courts? At first sight, Vince Cable‘s own foot-shooting seemed to indicate that in effect his “war with Murdoch” comment ensured that the bid would now go through. But now that the media is scrutinising every word Mr Hunt has ever made on the matter and now every meeting he may or may not have had with Murdoch elements, methinks I hear m’learned friend knocking at the door.
2011 promises to be a prosperous one for at least one branch of the Bar.
If this turns out to be my final pre-Xmas blog… even my last of 2010, thank you for your intersection; let’s have even more in 2011. But I can’t promise that I wont be blogging again in the next few days, not least because I’m working up to and including Christmas Day.