5 Mar 2009

Why Michael Jackson is pop's strangest enigma

What is it about Wacko Jacko? Odd from the outset. I mean, Neverland, that fascination with children and with in some way returning to childhood…

Michael Jackson has been a persistent enigma, not least because both his performance and his music are exceptional – or certainly were.

Now, to make up for his lost millions, he is holding a news conference in London today, lifting the curtain on a series of concerts at the O2 arena.

Will anyone go? How far has the recession hit them? And how far has Jacko’s own physical and other disintegration marred his fascination for the fans? The answer from the fans nosing around looking for him today would seem to be: not at all.

But how much would you pay to attend a Michael Jackson concert? Not sure I’d go beyond a fiver. Yet I’m reliably informed some would go beyond £500.

If I close my eyes to everything I know about him, I will admit to enjoying his music. And even if I open them he will still go down as one of the great stars of late 20th century pop.

But what’s with the face? What’s with Neverland? All very strange. And slightly intriguing to see whether he can indeed come back, or whether his strength and his appeal have gone the way of his face.



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