15 Apr 2009

On G20 day, we had nothing better to do

You may have found the past few days of revelations concerning the inner workings of Downing Street, a heartbeat from the prime minister, hard to credit.

But how about this? On the day the G20 summit met in London’s Docklands, we asked people – mainly via Twitter – to keep an eye open for anyone out there possibly using the event (in the words of sacked official Jo Moore) as a “good day to bury bad news”.

Somebody entitled the head of strategic and digital communications at Downing Street, Mark Flanagan (himself presumably a heartbeat from the now former head of strategy, Damian McBride), emailed the following within an hour of our posting.

“Haven’t you people got anything better to do?”

This as the man the most urgent heartbeat away – Gordon Brown – was in that very moment hosting the most important and prestigious gathering of world leaders to meet in London since the 1940s.

Now there’s a team that’s got its priorities sorted.

Tweets by @jonsnowC4