10 Mar 2009

What does this signal for Northern Ireland?

Oh dear. Here we go again. Haven’t been to Northern Ireland “in anger” in a dozen years, though I have been to give the odd lecture and to enjoy the peace and prosperity of the region.

But today it seems a little as it did when I first went 35 years ago – a sort of uncertainty, a question of what things signal.

As I write I have just witnessed the extraordinary vision of Peter Robinson, Martin McGuinness and Sir Hugh Orde coming together at Stormont to condemn the killing last night of a policeman.

The great unknown this time is how significant this disparate, disaffected group of people is. Are they squeezed by the downturn in the economy? Are they excluded by new political and policing agreements?

Well, we’re on our way to find out. Me, my cameraman, and a couple of producers. Frankly, by the time you get there you only have half a day – half a day of dashing about in markets, stopping people in shop doorways, and trying to persuade the people with influence to talk to me.

Despite everything that’s ever happened in Northern Irelandm it’s one of the most invigorating and engaging of places. Beyond the immediate, I go with no heavy heart.

Tweets by @jonsnowC4