Channel 4 News gets an exclusive test flight on the Royal Air Force’s most famous Chinook, Bravo November, following a multi-million pound upgrade.
Exclusive: Channel 4 News has obtained a Border Agency letter stating that Foreign & Commonwealth soldiers disciplined by the army without court martial, should not be considered for deportation.
A Foreign and Commonwealth soldier in the British Army who Channel 4 News revealed was facing deportation is given discretionary leave to remain in the UK.
Exclusive: The former head of the British Army, General Sir Mike Jackson, tells Channel 4 News that service by Commonwealth soldiers in the armed forces should count towards British citizenship.
Foreign and Commonwealth soldiers who risked their lives serving in the British Army tell Channel 4 News they want the government to review a new law which leaves them subject to imminent deportation.
The full uninterrupted grave of a Cistercian abbot has been discovered by archaeologists at the ruins of Furness Abbey, one of Britain’s most influential medieval monasteries.
As a scheme which helps youngsters learn through sport faces funding cuts, Channel 4 News looks at how it works and the benefits it has had so far.
Funding for Playing for Success, an initiative aimed at improving children’s literacy, numeracy and ICT grades through sport, will end this year. Channel 4 News investigates the potential impact.
Exclusive: Barack Obama repealed the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ban on openly gay US soldiers this week. Channel 4 News reveals two former British personnel were offered MoD compensation for their cases.
A UN senior official tells Channel 4 News if CIA personnel are operating drone strikes in Pakistan, they could be prosecuted for murder and war crimes if humanitarian laws are violated.
Following the arrest of Mike Hancock MP’s assistant researcher Katia Zatuliveter, a former intelligence officer tells Channel 4 News about the ways the Russians use intelligence agents in the UK.
Just ten months after the devastating earthquake, Channel 4 News reports from cholera-hit Haiti as the country is put on high alert for Tropical Storm Tomas.
A human rights group claims cyber attack knocked it offline following the release of an alleged torture video. An international security expert tells Channel 4 News this attack lacks “sophistication”.
Exclusive: a lawyer tells Channel 4 News there could be evidence of war crimes in the Iraq logs made public by WikiLeaks which contain records of fighters being killed as they try to surrender.
Iraq’s secret war logs published by WikiLeaks show Iraqi civilians were attacked by US Apache Hellfire missiles and in some instances fighters were killed when trying to surrender.