Kylie Morris is the former Washington correspondent and the former Asia correspondent for Channel 4 News. She was also the presenter of More 4 News.

Kylie previously worked at the BBC as the Gaza correspondent from 2001-2002, Kabul correspondent 2002-2004, for which she won an FPA award, and then as the BBC Asia correspondent until joining Channel 4 News in 2006.

One of her first assignments for Channel 4 News was reporting the conflict in Lebanon in July 2006, for which we collectively won an RTS Award. She has been in and out of the newsroom in the last two years - recently she reported the Gulnaz film alongside Leslie Knott and Cleminitne Malpas which has just been nominated for another FPA award.

  • 4 Dec 2017

    The number of powerful men across the US entertainment industry, in the media and politics being accused of sexual misconduct is growing daily – an avalanche that began with allegations of sexual assault against Hollywood heavyweight Harvey Weinstein. Scores of women have accused him of abuse, from bullying to rape. Kylie Morris has been to Los Angeles to ask women at all levels in the industry, including a former assistant of Weinstein, about their experiences, and impact of his downfall.

  • 1 Dec 2017

    Howard Fineman, global editorial director of the Huffington Post, discusses Michael Flynn’s admission and how it could affect President Trump.

  • 1 Dec 2017

    Dramatic news in Washington tonight as Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russian officials during the transition. But what more will he reveal as part of his plea deal? Sources say he could draw in senior transition team members, the Trump family,…

  • 16 Nov 2017

    Democrat Senator and former Saturday Night Live comedian Al Franken has apologised after a radio anchor accused him of forcibly kissing and groping her in 2006. It comes as two more women emerged to accuse Republican Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual impropriety.

  • 14 Nov 2017

    He’s been described as a national emergency for the increasingly desperate US Republican party. Not Donald Trump, but Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore. He faces allegations of historic sexual abuse of teenagers. His latest accuser came forward overnight. Senate Republican leaders are calling on Moore to withdraw from the special election race, but so far,…

  • 9 Nov 2017

    A year ago today, the world changed.  It’s not often you can say that with as much confidence as when you’re referring to the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States.  He’s had few legislative victories, but he’s used his levers of power to roll back many of his predecessor’s policies, and…

  • 8 Nov 2017

    We tracked the Foreign Secretary down to a meeting on Capitol Hill this morning and asked him about comments that may have further imperilled Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who is currently held in the women’s ward among political prisoners in Iran.

  • 7 Nov 2017

    “I’m the only one that matters.” When asked about the long list of unfilled positions at his State Department, that was Donald Trump’s blunt reply. But the combination of leaving so many high-level positions empty, and tweeting his foreign policy whims, not to mention insults against his own Secretary of State, have many concerned about…

  • 6 Nov 2017

    A small town in Texas is the latest community to be shaken by the horror of a mass shooting in America. 26 people were killed, the youngest 18 months old, the oldest, aged 77. 20 others were injured on Sunday – ten of them critically – after a gunman opened fire in the First Baptist…

  • 3 Nov 2017

    He had his favourite mode of communication briefly silenced last night when a rogue Twitter employee deleted the President’s account – but Donald Trump was well and truly back online this morning firing off a barrage of tweets attacking the Democrats. For the next two weeks he’ll be tweeting while travelling on a tour of Asia…

  • 1 Nov 2017

    Sami Elmansoury, from the New York division of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, discusses the terror attack in the city.

  • 1 Nov 2017

    President Trump has called for tougher immigration controls after the deadly New York truck attack, describing the suspect as an “animal” and calling on Congress to shut down the immigration lottery scheme. New York police say the truck driver had been planning the attack for weeks and did it “in the name of IS”. Eight…

  • 31 Oct 2017

    With me is Matthew Miller, political advisor and former Department of Justice Spokesperson from 2009 to 2011 and conservative Chris Prudhome, President of Vote America Now.

  • 31 Oct 2017

    “None of this is real” argue President Trump’s supporters, as he moved again today to distance himself not only from his former campaign chief, Paul Manafort, but from the junior campaign advisor who’s admitted he lied to the FBI about his contacts with Russians. New evidence yesterday revealed George Papadopolous had been involved in an…

  • 30 Oct 2017

    Joining us from Manhattan is Amanda Marcotte – political commentator and feminist.