Kylie Morris is the former Washington correspondent and the former Asia correspondent for Channel 4 News. She was also the presenter of More 4 News.

Kylie previously worked at the BBC as the Gaza correspondent from 2001-2002, Kabul correspondent 2002-2004, for which she won an FPA award, and then as the BBC Asia correspondent until joining Channel 4 News in 2006.

One of her first assignments for Channel 4 News was reporting the conflict in Lebanon in July 2006, for which we collectively won an RTS Award. She has been in and out of the newsroom in the last two years - recently she reported the Gulnaz film alongside Leslie Knott and Cleminitne Malpas which has just been nominated for another FPA award.

  • 12 Jun 2018

    Hyeonseo Lee is a North Korean defector who now lives in South Korea and has written a book about her experiences. Earlier this year, she met President Trump and says watching the summit was a very emotional experience.

  • 12 Jun 2018

    How much do ordinary North Koreans know about what’s going on in their name? From Pyongyang, AP’s Raf Wober explains what they’ve been told.  

  • 12 Jun 2018

    By coming to Singapore and holding this summit Donald Trump has shown he is prepared to gamble in the cause of peace, and if nothing else he has transformed the rhetoric from dark threats about nuclear annihilation to warm words about friendship and new beginnings. The President left with the deal he acclaimed light on…

  • 11 Jun 2018

      With minimal preparation, there are just hours to go. Officials from North Korea and the United States have spent the day huddled in a Singapore hotel ahead of tomorrow’s historic summit, while the leaders themselves were taking it far easier. Kim Jong-un went out on a late night city tour, while Donald Trump, emerging…

  • 9 Jun 2018

    World leaders have failed to resolve major differences with Donald Trump over trade at the G7 summit in Canada . After a gathering marked by both acrimony and banter, The US President left prematurely for Singapore and a possibly more momentous meeting – with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un. Before he left Donald Trump said he…

  • 8 Jun 2018

    Prime Minister Theresa May discusses Boris Johnson, Brexit, her disagreements with Donald Trump, and the UK/US relationship.

  • 8 Jun 2018

    Theresa May has arrived in Canada for the G7 summit, but she hasn’t been able to escape the row back home over Europe. In an interview with this programme she had some tart words for her Foreign Secretary, telling us he “has strong views on Brexit, but so do I”. And she admitted that no-one…

  • 4 Jun 2018

    Dozens of people have been killed after the most powerful volcano eruption in Guatemala for more than a century. Rock, ash and gas billowed into the skies from the Fuego volcano, about 25 miles from the capital.

  • 30 May 2018

    Hawaii’s erupting Kilauea volcano has now claimed more than 70 homes, and belched tens of thousands of tonnes of ash and noxious fumes into the air. Every night, it puts on a spectacular – and terrifying – show with powerful fountains of lava lighting up the sky.  After weeks of eruptions and lava flows, there are increased worries…

  • 25 May 2018

    He walked out of a police station in handcuffs. The disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein will now face trial, given bail of a million dollars, ordered to surrender his passport and wear an electronic monitor, while his lawyer insisted he would be exonerated.

  • 23 May 2018

    Andrew Peek, the US State Department’s Deputy Assistant Secretary with responsibility for Iran, discusses the nuclear deal.

  • 22 May 2018

    “It may not work out for June 12” – President Trump warns of delays for his upcoming summit with Kim Jong-un, as he meets the South Korean leader Moon Jae-in in the White House. President Moon declared the “fate and future” of the entire Korean peninsula depended on it.

  • 21 May 2018

    It’s been two weeks since President Donald Trump isolated the US from its allies and withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal. So what is America’s new plan?

  • 18 May 2018

    This isn’t the first school shooting since the February attack in Florida, but it’s the deadliest. Ten students and staff members are reported to have been killed in a high school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas. A suspect is in custody, authorities say the gunman is a 17-year-old male student from the school, and that…

  • 16 May 2018

    North Korea has suspended talks with South Korea and threatened to cancel an historic summit between Kim Jong-un and President Trump, saying it wasn’t interested in a one-sided demand to give up its nuclear weapons. Mr Trump said he hadn’t been notified about any threat and would still insist on North Korea’s denuclearisation.