Kylie Morris is the former Washington correspondent and the former Asia correspondent for Channel 4 News. She was also the presenter of More 4 News.

Kylie previously worked at the BBC as the Gaza correspondent from 2001-2002, Kabul correspondent 2002-2004, for which she won an FPA award, and then as the BBC Asia correspondent until joining Channel 4 News in 2006.

One of her first assignments for Channel 4 News was reporting the conflict in Lebanon in July 2006, for which we collectively won an RTS Award. She has been in and out of the newsroom in the last two years - recently she reported the Gulnaz film alongside Leslie Knott and Cleminitne Malpas which has just been nominated for another FPA award.

  • 16 May 2018

    The UN Security Council has held an emergency meeting following the deadly violence in Gaza which coincided with America opening its new embassy in Israel in Jerusalem. US Ambassador Nikki Haley said it would be a mistake to blame the deaths on the embassy moving from Tel Aviv to the city which Palestinians view as…

  • 14 May 2018

    The main news is the bloodshed on the Israel-Gaza border following America’s decision to move its diplomatic headquarters to Jerusalem. Uprooting the embassy from Tel Aviv is not a new idea. Successive US presidents have mooted it, but Donald Trump has made it happen.  

  • 10 May 2018

    In the US, President Trump is predicting a “big success” for the forthcoming summit with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un. He was speaking as he capitalised on the return of three American detainees released by North Korea. He added that he hoped he could travel to North Korea one day and that he believed Mr…

  • 9 May 2018

    President Trump has warned Iran against resuming its nuclear weapons programme, following his decision to pull the US out of the nuclear deal. He spoke of “very severe consequences” if they do. The world has been reacting to the US move. Russia said it was “deeply disappointed”, China has expressed regret. Iran’s Supreme leader addressed…

  • 8 May 2018

    President Donald Trump announces that the US is withdrawing from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal that his predecessor, Barack Obama, signed up to.

  • 8 May 2018

    It was all about centrifuges, industrial spinning tubes designed to enrich uranium and crucial to making a nuclear bomb. Five years ago, Iran was set to spin thousands of them, but the deal brokered in 2015 stopped almost all of them and Iran’s nuclear programme was frozen. But Donald Trump has never liked it, once…

  • 7 May 2018

    Boris Johnson has pleaded with President Trump not to “throw the baby out with the bathwater” by rejecting the Iran nuclear agreement. He’s on a trip to Washington with the goal of keeping the U.S. in the deal as it comes up for re-certification. The President has – in the past – described the international…

  • 4 May 2018

    “Learn before you speak” – that was President Trump’s advice to the media earlier today. Not advice his own legal team appear to have taken. One of his newer lawyers, the former Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani, has been contradicting the President this week about a payment made to an adult film star who…

  • 3 May 2018

    The White House has been hosting National Prayer Day. But will Donald Trump require divine intervention over the latest revelations about alleged hush money paid to adult film star Stormy Daniels? The newest member of the president’s legal team, Rudy Giuliani, may have revealed rather more than Team Trump wanted.

  • 27 Apr 2018

    President Trump will be hoping that peace in Korea becomes his greatest legacy, telling the German Chancellor Angela Merkel that talks on the issue had “never gone this far”. He also claimed that he and Ms Merkel had always had a “good relationship”.

  • 26 Apr 2018

    President Trump will be in UK this summer – arriving on Friday 13th of July for what’s being billed as a ‘working visit’ – including talks with Theresa May at Downing Street . Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has already greeted it as the “greatest visit ever” while critics are already predicting mass protests on the…

  • 25 Apr 2018

    The American and French people have long had a “rendezvous with freedom”, the French President Emmanuel Macron declared today, as he spoke to a special joint session of the US Congress. There was frequent applause as he praised what he called the special bond between the two nations, but he also warned the United States…

  • 24 Apr 2018

    President Trump had a stark warning for Iran today – saying it will have ‘bigger problems than it’s ever had before’ if it restarts its nuclear program He made those comments during a visit by President Emmanuel Macron of France to the White House.

  • 18 Apr 2018

    President Trump has confirmed, by tweet of course, that his nominee for Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has met Kim Jong-un for direct talks. The next step will be President Trump meeting the North Korean President in person to discuss disarmament, an historic occasion which the President now says will happen in one of five…

  • 16 Apr 2018

    Even by the standards of Trump’s Washington, the TV interview with the former director of the FBI was pretty startling. James Comey, who was fired by the US President last year, told ABC News that he believed Donald Trump was a liar who was simply “unfit for office”. He also said it was possible the…