Michael Crick

Michael Crick has left Channel 4 News. This is an archive of his reports.

  • 17 May 2017

    The Liberal Democrats are launching their election manifesto this evening, with a major pitch for the youth vote. Among their proposals: a new rent-to-own scheme for first-time buyers, the reinstatement of housing benefits for young people and cheaper bus travel for 16 to 20-year-olds. But, after the tuition fees fiasco during their spell in coalition…

  • 17 May 2017

    On the day the Lib Dems publish their election manifesto, Tim Farron is quizzed on his party’s plans, including its proposal to raise £1bn a year from taxing cannabis sales.

  • 15 May 2017

    A “new deal for workers”, including representation on company boards and a year’s statutory leave to care for a relative. This isn’t Labour, but Theresa May, promising what she called the biggest expansion of workers’ rights by any Conservative government.

  • 12 May 2017

    Jeremy Corbyn has insisted he is no pacifist, as he set out his view of Britain’s role in the world, accusing Theresa May of “pandering” to Donald Trump. Theresa May hit back, declaring Mr Corbyn was simply “not up to the job” of being prime minister. Michael Crick was at the other end of the…

  • 11 May 2017

    A Labour government would re-nationalise the railways and the Royal Mail, abolish student tuition fees and repeal benefit cuts, according to a leaked draft of the party’s manifesto.

  • 10 May 2017

    No Conservative MPs will now face criminal charges in connection with election spending rules over the 2015 battle bus campaign, after the Crown Prosecution Service said it was not in the public interest.

  • 9 May 2017

    After the Prime Minister surprised the country by calling a snap election, she said she believed in campaigns where politicians “actually get out and about and meet the voters”. All politicians say similar things, but after questions today about how both the Conservatives and Labour are dealing with the media on the campaign trail, how…

  • 8 May 2017

    Tomorrow afternoon, a panel of Labour’s National Executive will meet in London to pick a candidate for Liverpool Walton from a three-name shortlist drawn up by party HQ. But activists in Walton met this evening to express anger that they have no say at all.

  • 3 May 2017

    Voters in England, Scotland and Wales will elect councillors tomorrow, in the first major indicator of party strength since the referendum last year

  • 2 May 2017

    Tonight Theresa May is in Bristol, continuing her pitch to voters across the south west, where the Conservatives are eager to hold on to seats they won in 2015. They’re being chased hard by the Liberal Democrats.

  • 1 May 2017

    Number 10 insists that talks on Brexit with European president Jean Claude Juncker were useful and constructive. They dismissed reports that a dinner with Theresa May last week descended into disaster. A detailed account leaked to a German newspaper claims Mr Juncker emerged declaring he was “ten times more sceptical” than he was before. Our…

  • 28 Apr 2017

    Ukip formally launched its general election campaign today, promising to be the “backbone” of Brexit and making sure that Britain fully left the European Union.

  • 26 Apr 2017

    To other elections now, and 17 years after London elected its first city-wide mayor, three more English conurbations will next week elect their first mayors.

  • 21 Apr 2017

    Len McCluskey has won re-election as general secretary of Britain’s biggest union, Unite – seeing off his main challenger Gerard Coyne by just over five and a half thousand votes.

  • 21 Apr 2017

    Theresa May has promised that she will stick with Britain’s commitment to spend 0.7 percent of national income on overseas aid, despite mounting pressure from some of her own MPs.