Michael Crick

Michael Crick has left Channel 4 News. This is an archive of his reports.

  • 20 Apr 2017

    Many Labour MPs who are seeking to defend their seats in the forthcoming election are famously less than enthusiastic about Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership. But some of them – particularly in traditional Labour strongholds in the north of England – have a second problem: they campaigned in favour of Britain remaining in the EU, while the majority of their constituents voted to leave.

  • 19 Apr 2017

    In Thanet South, one of the seats at the centre of the election expenses investigation, Nigel Farage has hinted he might run again, while the sitting Conservative MP has insisted the spending issue won’t affect potential voters.

  • 27 Mar 2017

    The Unite union has accused a group of West Midlands MPs of “extraordinary, unprecedented interference” in the union’s democracy, on the day that ballot papers go out to members to vote in the leadership election for Britain’s biggest union.

  • 25 Mar 2017

    UKIP’s only MP, Douglas Carswell has quit the party – saying UKIP had now achieved its goal of getting Britain out of Europe. The party’s leaders accused him of actively trying to undermine the party and leave before he was pushed. We go live to our political correspondent Michael Crick.

  • 24 Mar 2017

    The cost of Britain leaving the European Union will be around £50bn, according to Commission President Jean Claude Juncker, who said the UK would have to settle up for commitments it had already made.

  • 23 Mar 2017

    Yesterday was by no means the first time the Houses of Parliament have come under attack, as Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson was quick to point out, adding that the freedom and democracy were stronger than any adversary.

  • 22 Mar 2017

    The Prime Minister, who was whisked away from the Commons as the attack began, has said her thoughts are with the victims. Tonight she  has been chairing a meeting of the Cobra security committee.

  • 17 Mar 2017

    In Cardiff, there’s been no sign of compromise from Theresa May, as she told Conservatives a second Scottish referendum would be “bad for us all”.

  • 16 Mar 2017

    The Conservative Party repeatedly broke the law by failing to properly declare its election expenses during the last general election. That’s the categorical and damning finding of a year long investigation by the Electoral Commission – the official body charged with regulating political parties and elections. It follows a long-running investigation by Channel 4 News…

  • 15 Mar 2017

    At least 12 Conservative Party MPs are facing the possibility of criminal charges tonight, after they were referred to the Crown Prosecution Service by police over their election expenses, following a year-long investigation by this programme.

  • 14 Mar 2017

    Welcome to the Oran Mor Whisky Bar in Glasgow, where already the talk is of another Independence referendum, even though it could be two years off.

  • 14 Mar 2017

    Channel 4 News understands that the Conservative MP for South Thanet has been interviewed by the police in relation to Conservative Party election expenses.

  • 13 Mar 2017

    Here in Edinburgh, Nicola Sturgeon said Scotland must be offered a “real choice”:  whether to join the rest of the UK in what she called a Hard Brexit, or work out its own relationship with Europe, inside the EU.

  • 7 Mar 2017

    The Government suffers a second defeat on its Brexit Bill in the Lords – with a majority of nearly 100 peers backing a move to provide a “meaningful” vote on the final deal once the negotiations are over.

  • 3 Mar 2017

    “We are four nations, but at heart one people”: Theresa May has promised to strengthen and sustain the union, setting out her case for Scotland to remain in the United Kingdom.