Michael Crick

Michael Crick has left Channel 4 News. This is an archive of his reports.

  • 23 Sep 2012

    Crick’s Picks: Tribalism, marriage and mugs

    Michael Crick on the highlights of today at the Liberal Democrat party conference – from mugs, to Jon Cruddas’s about-turn, to Nick Clegg’s wedding anniversary.

  • 23 Sep 2012

    Vince Cable started it when he admitted exchanging texts with Ed Miliband recently. Now it seems senior Lib Dems are falling over themselves to highlight their conversations with Labour.

  • 22 Sep 2012

    Crick’s picks of the Lib Dem conference

    Plebs looks set to be the word to dominate both the Liberal Democrat and Labour conferences over the next fortnight. Which Lib Dem will get there first? Who will proudly confess to being a pleb?

  • 22 Sep 2012

    The Conservative chief whip is accused of swearing at police officers in Downing Street and allegedly called them “plebs” after they refused to let him bring his bike through a gate.

  • 21 Sep 2012

    Nigel Farage: a one-man band?

    Some in UKIP are coming to fear the party is becoming a one-man band, and accuse Nigel Farage of developing into a dictator.

  • 21 Sep 2012

    Mitchell outburst damaging, but could be check he needs

    Andrew Mitchell’s outburst to the Downing Street policeman is damaging to his government, his party and to him in so many different ways but could it ultimately strengthen his career?

  • 14 Sep 2012

    Minor crime leads to fourth PCC election drop-out

    What a farce! Yet another of this November’s candidates for the Police and Crime Commissioner elections has stood down over a minor offence committed while he was a teenager.

  • 13 Sep 2012

    Political Correspondent Michael Crick considers why the police may have been slow to react as Liverpool fans were crushed to death and why it is not only The Sun which is guilty of mis-reporting.

  • 8 Sep 2012

    Michael Mates dodges Dolphin Square questions

    I finally caught up with Michael Mates on camera today, on what was really the first full day of his campaign as Conservative candidate for police commissioner in Hampshire.

  • 7 Sep 2012

    Cameron’s pledge on women ministers unlikely to be met

    David Cameron seems, in effect, to have ditched his long-held pledge that one third of the members of his government will be women by the end of this parliament.

  • 6 Sep 2012

    Mates set to make over £100,000 from Dolphin Square windfall

    The questions about Michael Mates continue and it now appears that on top of the estimated £40,000 windfall he got from being a tenant of Dolphin Square, he’s now managed to use the money to make a substantial profit.

  • 5 Sep 2012

    Pressure on Mates to step down grows

    The pressure on Michael Mates to stand down as Conservative candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Hampshire grew this afternoon when a second senior Tory in the area questioned his suitability to run in November’s election.

  • 5 Sep 2012

    Mates fights bid by senior Hampshire Tories to sack him

    David Cameron was less than fully supportive when the Labour MP Gavin Shuker asked him at Question Time today about whether he “supports” his candidate for police commissioner in Hampshire.

  • 28 Aug 2012

    How Theresa May met Simon Weston

    Did Simon Weston launch his campaign on this basis of duff advice and assurances from Theresa May, asks Michael Crick?

  • 16 Aug 2012

    David Cameron’s former spin doctor Andy Coulson was among seven people in court earlier charged in connection with the phone hacking scandal.