Michael Crick

Michael Crick has left Channel 4 News. This is an archive of his reports.

  • 6 Dec 2011

    Is a Tory rebellion putting the brakes on HS2?

    Michael Crick looks at the Tory backlash against HS2, the plan for a high speed rail link between London and Birmingham.

  • 2 Dec 2011

    Why Euro 2012 will hit GCSE results

    The half a million or so schoolchildren taking GCSEs next year might be better off if international football tournaments didn’t take place at all – or at least if England had failed to qualify!

  • 30 Nov 2011

    Tories to pick police candidates through open primaries

    David Cameron has decided the Conservatives will pick their candidates for next year’s elections for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) through open primary meetings at which members of the public will be allowed to attend and vote, not just party members, reports Michael Crick.

  • 30 Nov 2011

    Labour fires gun on police commissioner selections

    Labour’s National Executive Committee has given the go-ahead for local parties to start picking candidates for the new posts of police commissioners reports Michael Crick

  • 30 Nov 2011

    Labour’s National Executive Committee has given the go-ahead for local parties to start picking candidates for the new posts of police commissioners reports political correspondent Michael Crick.

  • 16 Nov 2011

    Ministers failing to figure out new Stats Watchdog

    Boris Johnson today called Sir Michael Scholar, the Chairman of the UK Statistics Authority, a “Labour stooge”.  Last month Scholar, who runs the government’s watchdog on the integrity of official statistics, accused the Mayor of London of giving misleading figures to the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee.   Poor Sir Michael.  He would actually…

  • 16 Nov 2011

    Centre-left Tories to challenge Conservative Home

    I reported during on the Tory conference on the formation of 2020 Conservatives, a group of centre-left and middle-of-the-road Tories who hope to help David Cameron in his several battles with the party’s right wing. Their aim was the rekindle the enthusiasm and thinking of the modernisation project which saw Cameron elected as Conservative leader…

  • 15 Nov 2011

    Lib Dems will not fight police commissioner elections

    Many Lib Dem activists are unhappy about the party’s decision not to run candidates in next year’s elections for police commissioners in England and Wales.

  • 11 Nov 2011

    Will benefits rise more slowly now 50p tax rate is to stay?

    Today’s remarks by both David Cameron and George Osborne that the Chancellor won’t abolish the 50p tax rate in his autumn statement at the end of this month (levied on incomes of more than £150,000) have an important knock-on effect reports Michael Crick.

  • 11 Nov 2011

    Home Office curse hits search for GOD’s replacement

    Quite apart from the eurozone, David Cameron faces another small headache over the next few days, writes Michael Crick. Who should he pick as the new head of the civil service, to take over from Sir Gus O’Donnell at the end of this year?

  • 10 Nov 2011

    The man at the centre of the phone-hacking inquiry Neville Thurlbeck tells Channel 4 News James Murdoch was “seriously misled by senior executives on the News of the World”.

  • 9 Nov 2011

    Jack Dromey investigated by Commons watchdog

    The Parliamentary Standards Commissioner is investigating the MP Jack Dromey. Michael Crick reports on his financial relations with the union Unite.

  • 8 Nov 2011

    News of the World’s alleged surveillance targets

    We have found 153 names on the lists compiled by Derek Webb – people on which he says he was asked to carry out surveillance by the News of the World between 2003 and 2011. Michael Crick has the list.

  • 8 Nov 2011

    IDS seizes the Europe issue again

    With IDS back on the European warpath, the political dynamics of this issue could change radically.

  • 8 Nov 2011

    Following the phone-hack scandal, a private investigator claims he followed and tracked the movements of high-profile people picked by staff at the News of the World – as Michael Crick reveals.