Michael Crick

Michael Crick has left Channel 4 News. This is an archive of his reports.

  • 4 Nov 2011

    HS2 rail line could start in Manchester and Leeds

    MPs on the transport committee will say that if ministers continue to face opposition at the southern end of the proposed HS2 line, they ought to think about switching the project round, and start instead in the north, reports Michael Crick.

  • 3 Nov 2011

    Do government stats really show 12 months of recession?

    A recession? Perhaps not technically. But many would argue that GDP per head is a much more meaningful measure of economic activity.

  • 1 Nov 2011

    Mugged and foxed?

    The latest on the Liam Fox/Adam Werritty affair, from Michael Crick.

  • 13 Oct 2011

    How about Rifkind to replace Fox?

    runners and riders now Liam Fox forced to resign as Defence Secretary.

  • 12 Oct 2011

    Handy neighbours?

    Channel 4 News Political Correspondent Michael Crick blogs on the Adam Werritty saga and a London street with a definite fox problem.

  • 11 Oct 2011

    Another red as cabinet secretary

    The announcement that Sir Gus O’Donnell’s is retiring as Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service at the end of this year comes as no surprise reports political correspondent Michael Crick

  • 7 Oct 2011

    What Wollaston really said about MPs drinking

    Spare a thought for Sarah Wollaston as she comes face-to-face with Westminster colleagues when the Commons returns next week. Wollaston, a former GP, may now be in some trouble for remarks she made about fellow-MPs while speaking at a fringe meeting at the Tory conference on Tuesday. Wollaston came to prominence in 2009 when she…

  • 2 Oct 2011

    Centre-left Tory MPs launch Cameron supporters club

    Michael Crick blogs from the Conservative Party conference.

  • 30 Sep 2011

    He unites the Milibands – in embarrassment

    It was BBC Scotland political correspondent Tim Reid who in 2008 overheard David Miliband saying he didn’t want to be seen to be openly challenging Gordon Brown. Now Reid has embarrassed the younger of the Miliband brothers, blogs Michael Crick.

  • 30 Sep 2011

    Will Toby Young win his £15,000 bet?

    Michael Crick asks: will London Mayor Boris Johnson fulfil Toby Young’s prediction in the latest edition of The Spectator, and become Conservative Party leader by 2018?

  • 26 Sep 2011

    Five-year parliament changes dynamics of opposition

    Ed Miliband has one big advantage. He’s the first leader of the opposition in history who knows, pretty much for certain, when the next election will be – in May 2015. The new legislation setting down that all parliaments will last five years in future makes it much easier for an opposition to plan. Only…

  • 25 Sep 2011

    Labour finally embraces Liverpool

    Labour is holding its annual conference in Liverpool for the first time since 1925 – and the only previous occasion was in 1905 (when officially the party was called the Labour Representation Committee). Coming here marks something of a rapprochement between the Labour Party and this great city.

  • 19 Sep 2011

    What the Lib Dems didn’t want us to film

    It was one part of the Lib Dems conference they didn’t want us to film. The party’s annual Corporate Day, at which 80 businessmen have paid £800 each to attend meetings, writes Michael Crick.

  • 12 Sep 2011

    Party conference season’s back – and I love it

    Thirty five years in, and Political Correspondent Michael Crick is still looking forawrd to this year’s conference season…