Michael Crick

Michael Crick has left Channel 4 News. This is an archive of his reports.

  • 4 May 2018

    The one party with not much to celebrate today is Ukip. The Tories appear to have been the main beneficiary of its collapse in many areas, and especially in the West Midlands. Dudley and Walsall, traditional Labour towns, now have as many Tory councillors as Labour ones.

  • 1 May 2018

    All the parties face an awkward test in Thursday’s English local council elections. For Theresa May, it could be a test of how much damage the Windrush scandal has inflicted on the Conservatives. And could Labour’s own row over anti-semitism hold it back in some areas? Then the Lib Dems and Ukip: are they struggling…

  • 27 Apr 2018

    Home Secretary Amber Rudd is facing more pressure over her claim that she didn’t know anything about immigration removal targets, after a leaked internal memo which she was apparently sent in June last year referring to specific targets.

  • 25 Apr 2018

    A senior union leader has attacked Labour critics of Jeremy Corbyn, accusing them of trying to portray the party as a hotbed of anti-Semitism and bullying. MPs singled out by Len McCluskey have hit back, claiming he was undermining Mr Corbyn’s efforts to tackle the issue and smooth over relations with the Jewish community. Party…

  • 24 Apr 2018

    As we’ve seen Britain’s relationship with migration has often been a troubled one. This is how we went from open arms for commonwealth migrants to targets in the tens of thousands and a “hostile environment.”

  • 20 Apr 2018

    The Prime Minister said she had told Commonwealth leaders who’ve been meeting in London that the UK government would do whatever it takes to resolve the problems which some of the Windrush generation had suffered, including compensation where it was appropriate, declaring: “These people are British, they are part of us, they helped to build…

  • 19 Apr 2018

    The leaders of Commonwealth nations are just arriving for a dinner hosted by the Queen at Buckingham Palace. Earlier today she welcomed them to the biannual Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting at a time when the Windrush scandal has filled the headlines with news about British citizens refused medical treatment, denied jobs, and falling into depression.…

  • 17 Apr 2018

    Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been accused by his own MPs of displaying a lack of leadership and moral clarity on anti-semitism inside his party. Labour backbenchers accused Mr Corbyn of not doing more to tackle the problem, and he was urged by MPs to clarify his opposition to anti-semitism in a heated Commons debate.

  • 17 Apr 2018

    Caribbean leaders have discussed the Windrush controversy with Theresa May at Downing Street.

  • 14 Apr 2018

    MPs will be back in Parliament on Monday after their Easter recess – so what kind of reception will Theresa May get?

  • 12 Apr 2018

    Theresa May’s cabinet spent more than two hours this afternoon in a special meeting to discuss military strikes against President Assad’s forces. Ministers are expected to back her plan for the UK to join action threatened by the United States and its allies. But opposition parties have demanded that Parliament be recalled so MPs have…

  • 11 Apr 2018

    Prime Minister Theresa May has redoubled her condemnation of the suspected gas attack in Syria on Saturday, but she wouldn’t be drawn on Donald Trump’s bellicose tweets. MPs from across parliament are demanding they get the chance to debate any UK-backed military action before it happens.

  • 10 Apr 2018

    Theresa May has declared that the international community “needed to respond” to uphold the worldwide ban on chemical weapons and hold those responsible to account, after talking by phone with President Trump. In the last few moments the French President Emmanuel Macron has said France would decide “within days” with the UK and the United States…

  • 9 Apr 2018

    What’s the reaction been from British politicians to the suspected chemical weapons attack in Douma?

  • 3 Apr 2018

    The Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn may have fanned the flames of the Party’s anti-Semitism row after attending at an event organised by a left-wing Jewish group which is critical of more mainstream Jewish organisations. Mr Corbyn’s attendance at the ‘Jewdas’ event to mark Passover was condemned by one MP as ‘irresponsible and dangerous’. But Jeremy Corbyn said…