Michael Crick

Michael Crick has left Channel 4 News. This is an archive of his reports.

  • 29 Mar 2018

    The row over anti-semitism within the Labour Party shows no sign of calming down with Jeremy Corbyn making another intervention this afternoon to try and show that his party has “a zero tolerance” approach to the issue. It comes after the leader sacked the chair of the party’s disputes panel over her support for a…

  • 26 Mar 2018

    Theresa May has backed her political secretary Stephen Parkinson, despite calls for him to be sacked for allegedly “outing” a whistleblower as gay. Brexit campaigner Shahmir Sanni told this programme that Vote Leave “cheated” during the EU referendum campaign. In response, Mr Parkinson, a political adviser at No 10, as well as denying that he’d…

  • 23 Mar 2018

    Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Smith has been sacked after he called for a second EU referendum. Mr Smith said he had been fired for his views on the “damage” he believes Brexit will do to the UK’s economy and the Good Friday Agreement.

  • 11 Mar 2018

    The founder of the left-wing Momentum group, Jon Lansman, has announced he is pulling out of the contest to become Labour’s general secretary – in a move which clears the way for Jeremy Corbyn’s preferred candidate.

  • 7 Mar 2018

    The source of a controversial donation to the Democratic Unionists during the Brexit campaign will remain secret, despite a vote to extend transparency rules to Northern Ireland. The rules will only apply to donations made after July 2017, so anything relating to the Brexit referendum remains under wraps. And that includes a donation of more…

  • 6 Mar 2018

    Boris Johnson told the Commons today that he is not pointing fingers, but warned that Britain will respond “robustly” if evidence of state responsibility for the Salisbury incident emerges. And in a sign of the strained relations with Moscow, the Foreign Secretary took the extraordinary step of describing Russia as a “malign and disruptive force”.…

  • 1 Mar 2018

    Campaigners have reacted with anger to the announcement that the second part of the Leveson Inquiry into relations between the press and the police will not now go ahead. Rejecting accusations that the decision was a betrayal of the victims of press abuse, the Culture Secretary Matt Hancock said another costly inquiry was “not the…

  • 28 Feb 2018

    The Metropolitan Police are investigating Max Mosley, the former president of world motorsport’s governing body, after allegations raised in the Daily Mail and featured on this programme last night. We reported on the existence of a racist political leaflet, which raised questions about whether he had misled the High Court in his 2008 privacy action…

  • 27 Feb 2018

    He won a landmark legal victory against the press almost a decade ago, after a tabloid expose into his sex life. Now Max Mosley is threatening to sue three major newspaper groups, insisting they stop publishing details of that expose. But one of the papers, the Daily Mail, has uncovered details of Mr Mosley’s past…

  • 23 Feb 2018

    The general secretary of the Labour Party, Iain McNicol, has resigned.

  • 22 Feb 2018

    Theresa May and ten of her senior Cabinet ministers are huddled deep in talks tonight at Chequers, the Prime Minister’s Buckinghamshire country house.  There’s only one item on the agenda. You guessed it: Brexit. The meeting started with afternoon tea and is expected to continue well into the evening. Mrs May summoned the special meeting…

  • 20 Feb 2018

    Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has come out fighting over allegations that he was paid to spy on Britain during the Cold War, dismissing them as nonsense.

  • 7 Feb 2018

    Theresa May and ten of her senior cabinet minsters have spent the afternoon working out the government’s policy on a future relationship with the EU after Brexit. Another meeting is scheduled for tomorrow. And this evening, more data has emerged from the Treasury’s leaked assessment of the possible impact of Brexit on the economy.

  • 5 Feb 2018

    Donald Trump has triggered a new spat with the British government after he turned to Twitter to vent his fury, this time about the state of the NHS. Early this morning, Mr Trump tweeted that thousands of people had been demonstrating in the UK because the National Health Service was, he said, “broke and not…

  • 2 Feb 2018

    The government minister Steve Baker was today forced to apologise in the House of Commons for appearing to suggest that some civil servants were conspiring against Brexit. The Brexit minister faced calls for his resignation yesterday after he failed to dismiss an assertion by arch-Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg that Treasury officials were trying to keep Britain…