Michael Crick

Michael Crick has left Channel 4 News. This is an archive of his reports.

  • 30 Jan 2018

    There’s been a kerfuffle over the Ukip leader Henry Bolton’s academic qualifications.

  • 30 Jan 2018

    A Tory lord, who until last summer was one of Theresa May’s Brexit ministers, today warned the Prime Minister that Britain will be walking “a gang plank into thin air” if the government doesn’t decide what it actually wants out of Brexit. As the European withdrawal bill arrived in the House of Lords, amid the…

  • 29 Jan 2018

    The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator has said Britain will need to follow any new EU rules made during the transition period, without having a say in how they are made or what they contain. Michel Barnier’s comments come as criticism of Theresa May’s government continues to bubble over, with one of her own backbench MPs…

  • 23 Jan 2018

    Despite resignations from more than a dozen colleagues, Ukip leader Henry Bolton isn’t budging. On Sunday, Ukip’s national executive voted no confidence in Mr Bolton following the controversy around his recent girlfriend Jo Marney and several racist comments she made on social media. Now Ukip will hold an extraordinary general meeting on 17 February to decide Mr…

  • 22 Jan 2018

    So certain that he repeated it: Henry Bolton has declared he won’t resign as Ukip leader, despite a series of key party figures quitting in protest. Unbowed by yesterday’s vote of no confidence, Mr Bolton insisted today he would fight on, declaring the party’s ruling body needed “significant and urgent reform”.

  • 21 Jan 2018

    Ukip’s ruling national executive has unanimously backed a no-confidence motion in the party leader Henry Bolton – well, unanimously apart from Mr Bolton himself. He’s insisted he won’t step down. Earlier Mr Bolton warned that if he was kicked out of the job – the party “is probably over”. Party officials tried to keep details…

  • 17 Jan 2018

    The grassroots movement Momentum has dominated the national Labour party for two years, fanning the flames of adoration for Jeremy Corbyn and, just this week, winning a majority of the seats on the party’s national executive committee. But despite their successes at the highest levels of the party, is Momentum losing momentum outside Westminster?

  • 10 Jan 2018

    Labour has accused the government of letting the companies that run the east coast mainline off the hook after their deal to run its trains was ended early. The Shadow Transport Secretary Andy McDonald told the Commons that Stagecoach and Virgin had been “bailed out” and “rewarded for failure”. But is it as simple as…

  • 21 Dec 2017

    Theresa May has repeated her concerns about police conduct after sacking her first secretary of state Damian Green for making “misleading statements” about the discovery of pornography on his Commons computer. The Prime Minister said she expected a proper investigation into claims that information was leaked by a former senior officer. Mr Green has continued…

  • 20 Dec 2017

    The government has managed to avoid another bruising defeat over its flagship Brexit bill tonight by backing down over amendments designed to appease Tory backbench rebels. At Prime Minister’s Questions, Theresa May said there could be a delay in the Brexit date in “exceptional circumstances”. Mrs May later faced more detailed questions on Brexit from…

  • 19 Dec 2017

    There have been developments today regarding the re-election earlier this year of Len McCluskey as general secretary of Unite, Britain’s biggest union.

  • 7 Dec 2017

    The Queen was in Portsmouth today for an official ceremony marking the hand over to the Royal Navy of the most expensive vessel in its history.

  • 1 Dec 2017

    The First Secretary of State, Damian Green, has denied that he “watched or downloaded” any pornographic images after a former police officer claimed thousands of images, all legal, were found on a computer used by Mr Green in 2008. Mr Green’s allies have accused the retired detective of a vendetta, while Scotland Yard has launched…

  • 30 Nov 2017

    President Trump’s now infamous re-tweet of inflammatory posts from a British far-right group have been roundly condemned by politicians of all shades. His actions were called offensive, some have called for him to be charged with inciting racial hatred and for a proposed state visit to the UK to be cancelled. The controversy completely overshadowed…

  • 20 Nov 2017

    The elections watchdog has opened an investigation into the Vote Leave campaign’s spending during the Brexit referendum, and into substantial donations which Vote Leave made to two other pro-Brexit campaign groups. The Electoral Commission said new information had come to light since it last reviewed spending limits earlier this year.