The first mass tactical vote in UK history?
We should be skeptical of the exit poll showing the Conservative close to a majority – but it might indicate the first mass tactical vote in UK history
Paul Mason has left Channel 4 News.
We should be skeptical of the exit poll showing the Conservative close to a majority – but it might indicate the first mass tactical vote in UK history
Unless the polls are criminally inaccurate, a majority government is impossible. So the choice facing people as they put their crosses on the ballot paper is like a proxy vote.
After a frantic weekend the Greek government sought to break the deadlock in its talks with lenders today by reshuffling its negotiating team.
What Scots will do if the mandate contained in the SNP manifesto is first delivered then ignored will determine whether the UK survives as a political entity.
While the Riga Eurogroup meeting on Friday is not the last chance Greece has to be rescued, it is probably the last chance for it to achieve a result outside of crisis measures.
Negotiations over a new bailout for Greece are approaching a critical stage. And if the country runs out of cash, it might just feel like the end of the world for many Greeks.
Doing away with perks for non-doms might play well on the doorstep, but it is very hard to quantify the economic impact of Labour’s latest policy pledge.
It’s the meeting that had to happen. A radical left-wing Greek prime minister and a centre-right German chancellor whose ministers have been urging her to throw Greece out of the eurozone.
Low wages, unaccountable welfare cuts and an immigrant-based economy. The Sun’s budget splash could tell a different story.
At less than 24 hours’ notice the European Commission has vetoed a key law set to be passed by the Greek parliament tomorrow.
The European deal done six days ago was supposed to stabilise the Greek debt crisis. But the situation in Greece is still critical.
Instead of “we were kicked out”, it would be sold as “we escaped” – and I think however positively today’s deal is spun, the push for Grexit will grow stronger as constraints become obvious.
Eurozone finance ministers approve reform proposals by Greece – including measures to combat tax evasion and fuel smuggling – in support of its application for a four-month extension of its bailout.
There is a sea change going on within Syriza. I’ve heard people who were staunch believers in a euro that can accommodate by negotiation a radical left government say, effectively, they were wrong.
The eurozone and IMF have done a deal with Greece, extending its bailout for four months in return for a commitment to run all policy measures with significant economic impact past the lenders.