Tsipras: the reverse shock doctrine
Now the euphoria in Greece has subsided, it is being matched by astonishment in Berlin and the European Union institutions.
Paul Mason has left Channel 4 News.
Now the euphoria in Greece has subsided, it is being matched by astonishment in Berlin and the European Union institutions.
Alexis Tsipras is deciding who should run which ministry in Greece. But how does Syriza take over a state whose armed forces and police are configured to suppress the left?
The far left Syriza party wins 149 seats out of 300 in the Greek parliament. What this means is that the EU/IMF strategy for dealing with the aftermath of the 2008 crisis is in tatters.
Our Economics Editor Paul Mason is in Greece reporting on the outcome of the election results. Get the latest tweets and videos from him here.
The exit polls put the far-left party Syriza on track to win the Greek election. If the predictions hold this is an earthquake: for Greece, for the eurozone and for centrist politics.
The ballot stations are still brisk at lunchtime, but a lot of people have already voted. This is a working class community – and on a Sunday the over-70s, who make up 22 per cent of Greek voters, are out in force.
Greece’s deep-seated problems are decades old and normal. What’s abnormal is the chance to blow it all away.
In Assos, a sleepy farming village in the gulf of Corinth, the far-left Syriza party got 121 votes in the election 10 years ago. On Sunday it should top the polls – easily.
Paul Mason continues his series of explaining the workings behind the Greek elections, and why it matters so much to us. Here he explains the eight parties all hoping to get into parliament.
Yanis Varoufakis, tipped to be Syriza’s new finance minister, tells Paul Mason what his party would do if it gets into government in Greece, and admits the prospect of power in Europe is “scary”.
The European Central Bank enters the last chance saloon as it prepares to pump over one trillion euros into the Eurozone’s fragile economy – can it possibly work?
For all its recent moderation, and the clear professional expertise of its economics team, no party like Syriza has ever been in power in a European democracy.
The liner is sinking and after some delay the captain orders: launch the lifeboats. But, he says, the first, second and steerage class must each travel in separate lifeboats. If the lifeboats take on water, the passengers are instructed not to help each other, since this would violate the principles of the ship – which…
If it sounds like a multiplayer 3D chess game, then that’s what it really is. The technical term for it is currency war.
I would drag these guys kicking and screaming into a public debate. I would make the presenters the bad-est ass inquisitors in Britain.