27 Feb 2014

Cameron’s #bookshelfie: who lives in a house like this?

We got a rare glimpse into David Cameron’s flat as he lounged on the sofa with Angela Merkel. But with the DVD collection (complete with James Bond boxset) on show, all eyes were on the bookshelf.

Cameron's bookshelf

The prime minister’s press team tweeted the photo of German Chancellor Angela Merkel deep in conversation with Mr Cameron, and added that he was “happy to welcome” her to his Downing Street abode.

But beware the casual twitpic: the image was undoubtedly carefully cropped and constructed with care, right down to the tasteful glimpses of mustard yellow and the corner of bookshelf. The first prime ministerial #bookshelfie?

We first saw the refurbished Downing Street flat in May 2011, when Michelle Obama had a cosy sit-down with Samantha Cameron. The Camerons reside in 11 Downing Street, as did Tony Blair and family, in a slightly bigger four-bedroomed flat than the residence at No.10.

Much was made of the Camerons’ decision to update and refurbish when they moved in. The decor hasn’t changed from the neutral colours, wooden floors and modern appliances first seen then. And many onlookers have pointed out the impeccably clean kitchen.

But what does Thursday’s new picture tell us about the Camerons’ bookshelf?

Cameron's bookshelf closeup

The image is slightly fuzzy around the edges (perhaps that was intentional) but that didn’t stop some of our eagle-eyed readers.

Most obvious is the James Bond DVD and two box-sets of the fast-paced US television series 24, both on the top shelf. The first series of Lost is also in there, says @tomwilson23, who also picked out Prison Break series 2, Burn Notice, and State of Play.

According to Gordon Mason (@gogsy1999), the Camerons have also stocked up on Band of Brothers, while @Jon_Torbitt alleges that Miss Congeniality 1 and 2, along with Gavin and Stacey’s Christmas Special, are featured. This is something Channel 4 News can neither confirm nor deny.

Who knows if prime ministers ever get round to watching half the DVDs they stock up on. But the ones on show certainly give the impression of a populist – if slightly behind the times – tastes. The home-grown British theme is also duly noted.


Back in 2011, a picture of the leaders’ wives gave a wider view of the Downing Street pad, and the Mirror managed to pick out book titles, including The Family Cookbook, Paris Interiors and Art and Artists. The Daily Mail also indexed everything from the pots and pans to the flat-screen television.

The author F.C. Malby came to our help this time around in deciphering some of the book titles on display. She observed that fiction appears to be in short supply (perhaps it has been hidden away from prying eyes) and noted a number of Lonely Planet titles, as well as a suspected pink cookery book. (Perhaps Paul Hollywood’s pink-tinged Pies and Puds?)

As far as Channel 4 News can tell, the only new additions to the Cameron kitchen are a matching mustard yellow toaster and kettle combo, along with a new stainless steel microwave. We’ll leave any further sartorial observations to graphic designer @tsapos, who has helpfully reimagined the whole image as an Ikea catalogue pullout.