10 Jan 2012

Cantona presidential bid a ‘publicity stunt’

Former footballer Eric Cantona’s announcement that he would run in this year’s presidential election in France now appears to be a publicity stunt aimed at highlighting the plight of the poor.

Eric Cantona - Reuters

Ex-Manchester United forward Mr Cantona had earlier revealed that he was trying to gather the signatures of 500 elected officials needed to enter the contest.

He has sent a letter to French mayors describing himself as an “engaged citizen” and asking for their support.

“This engagement obliges me to speak, more earnestly than usual, but also with a keen sense of my responsibility, at a time when our country faces difficult choices which will be decisive for its future,” he said.

Mr Cantona mentions the limited opportunities for young people in France and social injustices which were “too numerous, too violent, too systematic”, in the letter.

But the letter now appears to have been a call for the prospective signatories to sign a petition on the French housing crisis.

The I-Tele new channel interviewed the editor of the newspaper who ran the original story on Mr Cantona’s ‘bid’ for election.

“He isn’t looking for signatures to be a candidate for the presidency, but to pass on the message of the AbbĂ© Pierre foundation in support of better housing policy, and to make housing, which is a priority for French people, a priority for the presidential candidates,” the newspaper’s deputy editor, Paul Quinio is quoted as saying.

Election candidates will compete in a first round in late April, with the two biggest vote-winners going through to a decisive second round in early May.

Socialist candidate Francois Hollande is currently leading President Nicolas Sarkozy in the polls.