28 Aug 2014

Rotherham: Shaun Wright quits Labour but not PPC role

South Yorkshire police and crime commissioner Shaun Wright resigns from the Labour Party – but insists he will not leave his post.

South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Shaun Wright

Mr Wright’s resignation came after Labour threatened to suspend him unless he stepped down in the wake of a damning report into child abuse in Rotherham. He has faced repeated calls to quit because he was the Rotherham Council cabinet member for children’s services between 2005 and 2010.

But in a statement he said: “I formally tender my resignation from the Labour Party. However, I remain committed to, and intend to remain in, my role as an Independent Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire.”

Mr Wright defended a two-decade record in public service and insisted protecting vulnerable people was his number one priority as commissioner, a post to which he was elected in 2012.

‘Preventive action’

His statement, posted on the official website of the South Yorkshire police and crime commissioner, said: “I have had to make the difficult decision to stand down from the Labour Party and it’s with deep regret that I’ve come to that decision.

“I’ve dedicated my career and life to serving the public of South Yorkshire. As a father, and a citizen of South Yorkshire, my thoughts are with the victims and their families and I reiterate my apology to them and take full responsibility for my part in the collective failures which took place at Rotherham Council during the time I was in office and indeed to that end I resigned in 2010.

Read more: why did those there to care for Rotherham's children look away?

“I stand by my earlier comments that I’ve taken that experience to deliver a major transformation in the way South Yorkshire Police deals with horrific crimes such as child sexual exploitation, and much progress has been made since I was elected as commissioner in terms of supporting victims, taking preventive action, increasing awareness of the issue and bringing criminals to justice.

“I was elected to deliver the people’s policing and crime priorities in South Yorkshire and I intend to see that duty through by leading the force on that urgent, and fundamental, journey of improvement for the sake of past, present and potential victims, who are the most important people in all of this.”

Child abuse scandal

Shadow police minister Jack Dromey earlier confirmed Labour would have suspended Mr Wright from the party had he failed to resign from his £85,000-a-year post. Labour is powerless to stop Mr Wright from continuing as an independent for the rest of his term in office.

Mr Wright was the council cabinet member responsible for children’s services in Rotherham from 2005 to 2010, in the middle of a 16-year period when, according to the report, 1,400 youngsters suffered widescale sexual exploitation including gang rapes, grooming and trafficking. So far he has resisted pressure for him to leave the post, insisting he had no knowledge of the “industrial scale” of child abuse when he was a Labour councillor in the town.

Mr Wright said he believed the report’s author, Professor Alexis Jay, should have gone further in naming officials responsible for the failings identified in her report. But Prof Jay has cast doubt on the assertion that Mr Wright did not know about what was happening in the town.

She said: “Part of my remit was to identify what information was available to key people in positions of influence throughout that time. And there was certainly a very great deal of information available from an early stage; indeed from at least 2001, both through a youth project which did outreach work with these young victims and children’s social care. Names of potential perpetrators, car registration numbers, a very great deal of detail. Really by April 2005, it seemed to me that nobody could say ‘I didn’t know’.”