14 Nov 2012

China: Lindsey Hilsum answers your Twitter questions

As China appoints its new leadership team, Channel 4 News’s international editor took to Twitter to answer your questions on the secretive superpower.

18th National Congress of Communisty Party in China (Reuters)

Lindsey Hilsum, who is in China reporting on the 18th national congress of the Communist Party of China, gave her views to Channel 4 News’s Twitter followers in a half-hour session on Wednesday morning.

She was tweeting as the national congress comes to a close. The congress has seen a shake-up of China’s powerful politburo standing committee, with a new president and prime minister appointed and seven out of the nine members of the committee departing.

Read some of the questions and answers below, and to find out more from Lindsey you can follow her at @lindseyhilsum or head to her blog.

Read all the latest from Lindsey Hilsum in China here.