28 Jul 2012

Cyclists arrested in Games public order crackdown

A demonstration against corporate sponsorship of London 2012 today followed last night’s arrest of more than 100 cyclists who, police say, were trying to disrupt the Games route network.

Another day of quintessential Britishness. Last night it was the awesome opening ceremony which transfixed 27 million people to their televisions. Today it was the first anti-Games demonstrations.

In spite of prediction of thousands, just 400 protesters turned out to march around the streets of east London, not quite in the shadow of the world’s stage in the Olympic Park.

The police presence wasn’t oppressive. It didn’t need to be. The demonstrators were a mix of families and the middle-aged committed.

They included a deputy head. She said this was her first demonstration for 30 years. Yes, she enjoyed last night’s ceremony but she’s angry about so many things.

There was an estate agent worried the Olympics has pushed property values up which would force housing beyond the means of many families.

Then there was an elderly French lady who remembered the 1948 “Austerity” Games in London.

She now believe the Olympic spirit has been sold to the world’s corporations and is of little value.

The march passed off very peacefully. But it was a very different story last night in the hours before the opening ceremony.

Around 130 cyclists were arrested after being corralled in east London.

Police said they were trying to disrupt the Games by attempting to enter the Olympic route network.

Many have now been released minus their bikes and been handed strict bail conditions, which include a ban on venturing within 100 yards of any Olympic venue or route.

Quite tricky for some who live very near designated arenas!