17 Mar 2011

Driver films tsunami engulfing his car

Footage filmed inside a moving car as the tsunami hits the road and covers the vehicle. The driver, who survived, tells local media: “I could do nothing but keep driving, it was terrifying.”

Extraordinary footage filmed inside a car that was driving along the coast road shows the moment the tsunami hit. The car ploughs forward as what looks like a small wave turns into an enormous torrent, covering the car and leaving it bobbing in the water.

The driver told local media: “When I came to the fishing port and turned the corner I could see the wall of water. At that moment I could do nothing else but keep driving. In the middle of that situation my car was taken by the wave.

“Water came up and the car was floating in the water. I was panicked, the water was probably two metres high. If I came out of the car I thought I would be caught in the water as well so I thought I would wait until it had come down.”

The driver eventually escaped the car when the water level had come down. He then managed to reach higher ground. He said: “Everytime I feel the after shock it scares me now. It was a really terrifying experience.”