Within weeks we’ll know where the guillotine will fall on £83bn of public spending. The cuts ahead have been billed as “savage”, deeper than under Margaret Thatcher. The rhetoric might change with the prevailing political wind, but the reality is these will be the biggest cuts since 1946. Here to help you make sense of all this is a new service from the Channel 4 News FactCheck team.

FactCheck is expanding – and this week we launch CutsCheck, a new web service to check out what the government spending cuts really mean. We’ll scrutinise the cuts ministers announce, scrutinising the figures to tell you who will be affected, where it’ll hurt most, and how much will really be saved. And rest assured, we’ll be going behind the scenes to uncover the cuts the government doesn’t want you to hear about.

Over the next few months we’ll build up a comprehensive national picture of where the budget cuts are biting across Britain. We’ll bring you the local story and put it in the national context.

But we need your help. If you hear of cuts affecting your neighbourhood or your workplace, let us know on news@channel4.com. We’re interested in cuts to health, education, policing, defence, the arts and any other area of public services – no matter how big or small.

Here at CutsCheck, we’ll help you stay at the cutting edge.