Contains distressing content.
17 Nov 2023

Families call for public enquiry as NHS Trust admits failures over deaths

Health and Social Care Editor

The families and former patients of a mental health unit in Teesside say they were left without support when it was forced to shut down over safety concerns. West Lane hospital was a specialist child and adolescent unit in Middlesbrough, but closed in 2019 after two teenage girls took their own lives, in the space of less than two months.

Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Trust – which ran the hospital – are now facing prosecution by the Care Quality Commission – along with calls for a public inquiry.

Some of those affected have spoken for the first time to our health and social care editor Victoria Macdonald – and a warning her report contains details some viewers may find distressing.

If you’ve been affected by any of the issues raised in this report – you can find a range of places to seek help on channel4.com/support.